Chapter 5

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I woke the next morning with a sticky note from Max stuck to my forehead,

                   Good morning Party Girl,

   Sorry for the inconvenience of this message,

but I wanted to make sure you saw it.

One of my friends from the state school

a couple towns over called me and said

he really needed to see me and that it

was urgent. If I'm not back by brunch,

give me a call and I'll tell you where I'm at!

                            See you soon,


The memories of last night flooded into my mind. I cannot believe I had acted in that way the night before. I didn't quite regret it, but it certainly wasn't my proudest moment. If I had it to do all over again, I wasn't sure what I would do. It would've been super hard to turn him down straight to his face without a reason other than the fact that my cowardice was getting the better of me. I knew that I wouldn't be brave enough to tell him that lie either, though.

         My attention was drawn away from my thoughts as my phone lit up with a call from Bonnie.

"Good morning Katie!"

"Good morning!"

"Listen, Haley and I are about to take showers and head over to the dining hall to get some brunch. You still down to join?"

"Yea, absolutely. I'll get a shower and meet you over there in a few."

"Alright, buddy. See you soon!"

"See you in a bit!"

After hanging up the phone, I took off my clothes and threw them in the dirty clothes hamper in the bottom of my closet, wrapped up in a towel and put on my shower shoes, and headed to the communal bathroom to take a quick shower. I grabbed my soaps from the shelf and started the shower. Once I stepped under the steaming hot water, I instantly felt my muscles relax. I hadn't realized how tense they were. I squirted some tea-tree mint shampoo into my hand and began to massage it into my scalp. After rinsing the shampoo from my auburn locks, I conditioned my hair and washed my body with oatmeal and shea-butter scented body wash. As I reluctantly decided to turn the water off, I reminded myself to call Max as I was getting dressed to see how far out she was.

         Once I shut and locked the dorm room door, I dialled Max's number and put the call on speakerphone and pulled out a pair of leggings and my old high school sweatshirt that was once Tommy's baseball sweatshirt. I heard the ringing stop, signalling that Max was now on the other end of the line.

"Hey, Kate!"

"Hey, I was just calling to tell you that we are about to head over to the dining hall to eat brunch. I just wanted to see about where you were and see if you wanted for us to wait on you at the table?"

"Yea, sure! I should be there pretty soon, I think I'm about twenty minutes out right now. I'll just park and come straight to the dining hall."

"Alrighty! See you then."

"Bye Katie."

I finished putting on my socks and slipped on my grey and black checkerboard vans and brushed my hair out, deciding to let it air dry. I grabbed my room key and phone, locked the door, and headed down the stairs and out the door of the building. As I made my way to the crosswalk, I passed many girls who seemed to be making the walk of shame from the room of the guy that they spent the night with last night. Most of these girls were barefoot, carrying their heels from the night before in their hands, and looked as if the grim reaper had come to give them a visit last night due to the remnants of the mascara left under their eyes from the preparation for the night before.

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