Chapter 17

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~ Katie ~

I can't remember a time that I was more thankful for carbs and greasy bacon, but I was thanking Jesus for blessing me with it this morning. Although I could still feel the remnants of my headache, I felt ten times better than I did when I rolled out of bed this morning. As I stood at the sink and cleaned the dishes that were dirtied during our meal, I looked out the window and let the events from last night fully sink in. I had been waiting to hear those words fall from his lips. I had imagined that moment many times over in my head, and I always imagined being over the moon and completely sure of myself. Now that the time has come and I am basking in all of its glory, I suddenly feel confused. I guess a part of me always thought that it would never happen because of the "bro-code" and Mason's esteemed respect for my brother. Tommy had always been extremely protective of me, and I was almost positive that he intimidated every single boy I went to high school with to the point that they feared for their lives if they were to ask me out.

When Mason reappeared in the kitchen, drops of water were running down his chest from his hair that was still very wet from his shower. I watched as the drops progressed further and further down his chest until they were absorbed by the waistband of his sweatpants that hung dangerously low on his hips. The muscles in his torso flexed and rippled as he raised his arms to dry his hair with the towel. The good Lord sure did take his sweet time when he sculpted this boy by hand, because goodness gracious he sure was a sight. "My eyes are up here, sweetheart," embarrassment coursed through my veins as I looked up to meet his eyes, "You've also got a little drool right there." He came closer to me and motioned his hand toward my chin as he shot me his boyish smirk. I playfully hit his hand to move it away from my face and let out a giggle, "Oh really? Do I?" What was happening to me? I had known Mason my whole life and I could not remember a time that I had ever giggled at something he had said to me. He took a large step toward me and pulled me into his chest by my waist. Stunned by the sudden change in position, I steadied myself by placing my hands on his chest. The musky scent of his cologne invaded my senses and clouded my thoughts as he stared into my eyes deeply. I felt as if he weren't just looking into my eyes, but he was breaking the surface of my being and staring into my soul to see of the current confliction and struggle.

Mason's eyes shifted between my eyes and my lips, he seemed as if he were waiting on some form of permission to continue. I pulled my bottom lip in between my teeth and I suppose that was enough of a consensual action for him as he began to lean down, bringing his face closer to mine. This was it. I was finally going to have my first kiss; and it was going to be with the boy that I had pined after since my childhood. Our concentration was broken too soon for my liking when I heard my phone ring across the room. Turning my attention toward the buzzing device, I broke our eye contact and turned to move toward the kitchen table. "Let it go," he stated, tightening his grip on my waist and pulling my body flush into his own as he took charge. He looked down into my eyes once more before putting his hand on my cheek and smashing his lips onto mine. Our lips moved in sync as our mouths molded together. He held me tighter against his body as he bit my bottom lip, making me gasp. He wasted no time and took the opportunity to deepen the kiss as his tongue invaded my mouth and he asserted his dominance. My phone rang once more and Mason broke the kiss, leaving us both breathing heavy in attempts to catch our breaths. "You should probably get that one," he suggested as he released me from his hold.

I quickly made my way over to my phone to see that my father was calling me – of course he'd interrupt this moment. "Hey, Dad," I greeted when I answered the call.

"There's my girl!" he exclaimed, "What's going on sweetie?"

Shit. I hadn't ever lied to my dad before, to either of my parents for that matter. I turned my head to look at Mason, knowing that he would flip his lid if I told him the truth.

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