Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

~ Mason ~

Coach had cancelled practice on Thursday and Friday afternoon, leaving me with a single morning class and a free afternoon. As I sat in my 8 AM class, half-way paying attention to the professor's lecture, my mind began to wonder. I had planned to leave directly after this class and drive to the lake so I could talk to Katie and make everything right again, or at least die trying. I knew that she was definitely capable of ignoring someone that pissed her off or made her upset, as she had done it to me countless times throughout our childhood. She is the sweetest person I know, but damn that girl sure can hold a grudge like no other. I just hoped that I could convince her to forgive me because I had really done it this time. I never meant to hurt her, and I knew that Tommy was just as weak of a spot for her as it was for me. Yet, I still managed to let my childish anger issues and unruly jealousy get the better of me. I hadn't thought before speaking, something my mother had always warned me of, and now my mouth had gotten me into deep shit.

As the professor dismissed class, I walked out into the hallway to meet Bruce. Making my way to the room where his last class was held, I noticed him standing very close to a girl that he towered over outside of the half-empty classroom. I recognized the girl from the night in the bar. Max's pin-straight hair that had been colored jet-black was enough to make any guy feel intimidated by her, despite her small figure. Standing at around 5'6 and maybe 120 pounds soaking wet, the girl had been one of the only people in my lifetime that I had been genuinely intimidated by. I don't know whether it was her sassy attitude or the power she packed in her slaps, but something about her made feel as if I needed to tread lightly if I wanted to make it past her alive.

Raising his head and freeing himself from the trance, Bruce turned his attention towards me and greeted me with a head-nod. As I made my way across the hallway, I shook his hand and pulled him into a bro-hug.

"Hey, Max," I smiled at the girl behind my friend.

She nodded curtly and waved un-enthusiastically. I guess she was still fired up about our conversation from the other night. It's probably safe to assume that she wasn't my biggest fan at the moment, but she was my biggest ally right now – she just didn't know it.

"Listen, man," I turned my attention back to Bruce, giving him a pleading look "I'm gonna be off-campus for the weekend. There's a few things that I need to take care of. I should be back by Sunday night. If I'm not back, I need for you to cover for me with Coach."

"Uuuhhhmm," he began, with furrowed eyebrows, "Your ass better be back by Tuesday at the absolute latest, Maverick."

"Deal," I agreed excitedly, I had hoped he would give in. It just took a lot less convincing than I thought it would.

I waved goodbye to the two and made my way out of the building hurriedly. As I approached my truck and unlocked it, I got in and set my GPS to take me to the lake house that I spent so much time in as a young boy.

~ Katie ~

As I rolled out of bed and opened the curtains, I felt a strange sense of serenity wash over me. Turning away from the sunlight, I made my way down the stairs and into the kitchen. Old family pictures decorated the walls of the stairwell. Some in which showed children that I recognized to be my grandparents. I flipped on the light switch that operated the single-bulb light above the counter-top island in the center of the kitchen. This house could serve as a museum for vintage items. The air conditioning unit seemed to be of the very first ones that was released for public sale. The door to the cupboard made a loud creak as I opened it to grab a coffee mug from the shelf. The creaking sound appeared once more as I shut the door and poured myself a cup of coffee from the warm pot on the counter. Grabbing my computer and making my way back up the stairs, careful not to spill my coffee, I went back into the master bedroom and opened the French doors that led to the second-story balcony.

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