Chapter 15- Freedom (Draco)

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It's been two days since they took Olliana from Azkaban. It's been two days of me sitting here wondering whether her not coming back is a good or bad thing. 

Either she is free or they decided to hold her in another cell far away from me for the rest of her sentence- whatever that may be. All I know is Azkaban is a new kind of hell when the love of your life isn't sitting across from you. 

I can see why people go crazy in here, and I'm not talking about the issue with dementors literally sucking your soul out of your body. Nothing will make you go crazy faster than boredom and, right now, I am bored. Now that Ollie is gone, there is nothing for me to pass the time with.

So far, I have found one piece of stone that I could wiggle up from the floor, but what am I supposed to do with a bloody rock? I did discover earlier today that I can draw things on the walls using the sharp edges of the stone, so I have spent the past few hours scribbling. 

I can't say my cell neighbors are much company or entertainment. All they do is lay on their side staring off into space until the dementors pay them a visit. 

I've been lucky that I haven't had to deal personally with the dementors. They seem to like the older prisoners more; perhaps their souls taste better? The day a dementor decided to pay a visit to my Ollie was the day my heart stopped. I don't think I've felt that level of fear in my life, and that's including all my memories alongside Voldemort. I would have taken that pain and terror for her if I could, but it seems the dementors don't like my kind of soul. Either that or they are saving me for last, a tasty soul dessert. 

I begin to walk around my tiny cell, my fingernail beds bleeding from stress. I try to conjure up good thoughts of her walking around London, free from here, but I can't help thinking, "What if she's right below me in a cell and I'll never see her again." 

Ever since I was a boy, my thoughts have been dark and stressful. If anyone else knew what living in the Malfoy mansion was like as a kid, they wouldn't blame me for how I turned out. If anyone knew how many bad thoughts floated around my mind on a daily basis, they would wonder how I'm not worse than I already am. 

Ever since my parents were taken, I can't stop the thoughts...

"What if they are dead?"

"What if they are being tortured by dementors right this second?"

"What if this was all your fault and there was something that you could have done to stop it?"

And now that Ollie is gone, I can't stop from thinking...

"What if she is dead?"

"What if she is being tortured by dementors right this second and you can't save her?"

"What if this was all your fault and you could have protected her?"

I lay down on the rough stones to try to quiet the endless thoughts. I just need one minute of silence.


"Get up!" My eyes snap open at the shout coming from the front of my dirty cell. The light is dim, but I can still make out the shape of a wizard peering down at me through the cell bars. 

I stumble quickly to my feet as the wizard begins to unlock the door. I run my hand down my chest, a habit from when I used to be proper and clean. 

"Hands out in front of ya!"

I hold my wrists out to him as he magically binds them together. Grabbing my upper arm, he tugs me down the hallway, passing the wild eyes of the prisoners watching me go. 

When We Fell: A Draco Malfoy RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now