Chapter 6- Hogwarts Battles

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Today marks two months of me being here at Hogwarts, and I feel like I'm finally getting the hang of things. Although I thought it was impossible for me to ever believe this castle is home, I have to admit that I feel like I'm a part of this school, no matter how many people try to make me think I'm unwanted.

Fortunately, the past two months haven't been filled with too harsh of bullying, just glares and the occasional brave student who will shout something utterly ridiculous at me.

Just last week, a Ravenclaw student, a boy probably in his 5th year, tried to begin a little argument between him and I. I was minding my own business studying for my upcoming potions exam in the Great Hall, along with Draco, when the boy walked by with his pretentious friends.

Once he got a glance at Draco and I, he stopped to bother us, "Brady, how much do you want to bet that the two Hogwarts death eaters will try to kill us all by Christmas?" All the boy's friends laughed and began to take their bets, some speculating that we already have dead students hidden under our beds.

I simply gave him my most bored look, "Wow, so unique and creative. I have to say that I've never heard that one before. I'm bored to tears just looking at you; even with your amazing personality, I doubt any girl would find interest in you. You look like you just crawled out of the Monster Book of Monsters."

His face turned bright red at that, "Laugh while you can, death eater. They made a mistake not taking you to Azkaban along with your filthy parents."

Yeah, that was about Draco's breaking point. Talk about him all you want, but everyone knows not to mention his parents.

Draco slammed his classbook closed, the air from it blowing his parchment everywhere. Standing from his seat, he leaned over the table with his teeth baring as if he was going to tear the boy apart...literally.

"If you want to live another day, I suggest you leave Olliana and our parents out of your mouth," Draco spat.

The Ravenclaw boys wanted to talk a big game, but they sure turned white when Draco got in their faces. After a second, they laughed it off nervously and spouted off "whatever's" as if they weren't scared shitless.

Draco and I saw the truth, and we laughed and joked about it all night long. I think we both get a kick out of threatening people.


Defense Against the Dark Arts class is a bustle of noise when I walk in. Groups of students are leaning together, whispering excitedly about the defense battles happening during today's class.

Yesterday, our professor explained to us that we were to battle another student one-on-one to test our defense skills. The rules and safety lessons took up most of the lecture, but I didn't pay much attention to that; Draco was too busy sending me floating notes.

As usual, I seek Draco out as I walk into class and find him leaning his hip on our desk waiting for me. When he sees me coming, he strolls towards me and gives me a quick peck on the cheek, "About time you got here, the battles are about to start. You ready?"

I scoff, "Of course I'm ready. You know I could do this in my sleep," I roll my eyes and smirk as I make my way to my seat.

"Well then, I expect many points for excellence will go to Slytherin today," Draco banters after pulling up his chair. He looks particularly good today, his hair a little more messy than usual.

"Hmmm, I like this 'I've just woken' hair on you. I think you should wear it like that more often," I whisper to him while dragging my finger up and down his arm, as he likes. I think he could afford to let loose every once and a while; he always has every hair in place.

He starts to respond, but he gets cut off by our professor calling the first two students up to battle, a Ravenclaw girl and Hufflepuff boy.

The two students ready their wands, standing across from one another, and cast their first spells. The Ravenclaw girl is actually able to stupefy her opponent, winning the match. Perhaps these kids aren't as hopeless as I thought.

Through my months here, I have thought more than once how almost none of these students could make it out in the real world. Having them put up against some of the darkest, most powerful wizards in the world? No chance.

A few more pairs come and go before Draco's name is called. I give his hand a squeeze before he jumps up from the desk and heads over to his Gryffindor opponent.

Some chants start up for the Gryffindor student as Draco ready's his wand in the proper battle stance. The more I learn to love Draco, the more I realize how powerful he really is. His potential was always stunted because he was on the outskirts of being accepted, by his school and his family. However, now that he is free to be whoever he wants, you can nearly feel his power multiplying by the day.

As expected, the battle doesn't last long with Draco putting the Gryffindor on his ass, stunned at how he was so easily disarmed. Draco struts over to me with a proud smirk on his face regardless of the complaints that he should have lost from the crowd.

"Wow, that was a close one. I didn't think you were going to win that one," I mess with him a bit as he sits.

His head snaps over to me with a shocked and slightly pissed face, "I hope that I heard you wrong, Ollie! I'm sure that you didn't just say that you thought I was going to lose!" I throw my head back and laugh.

"You better watch it with those jokes, Olliana. Someday I'm going to get you back!" He shakes his head at my antics.

Draco has picked up a nasty habit of scaring me for fun. It all started one day when I turned a corner in the Common Room, and he was standing there, causing me to scream and drop my books. Of course, he thought it was the funniest thing ever, so he has taken every opportunity since to catch me off guard.

"Olliana Bloodworth and Cindy Ling," the professor calls out. I stand up and make my way over to the open battle space. I see that my opponent, Cindy, is a Hufflepuff and looking quite nervous.

I give her a small smile for confidence before bringing my wand up, parallel with my ear.

"Remember, disarming spells only," my professor warns. I'm not sure if that was a warning to the class or a warning to me specifically.

Cindy and I cast our spells simultaneously, our magic meeting in the middle, but mine overtakes hers quickly and sends her sprawling down to the floor. Luckily, the fall didn't seem like it hurt too bad because Cindy jumps up quickly, dusting off her robes.

My eyes immediately find Draco's big smile as I make my way back over to him.

Like the smart ass he is, he leans over to me and whispers, "Wow, I didn't think you were going to win that one."

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