Chapter 2- Blending In

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After dinner, Syltherin's headboy directs the first-year's, or in my case 7th year, to our Common Room. Heading back towards the Entrance Hall where I first arrived, we go through a door on the right and down a long set of stone stairs until we reach a stone wall. There he speaks a password to reveal a long room with green-tinged windows and rough stone walls. Emerald green couches and dark wooden tables are scattered throughout the room, all congregating around a crackling fireplace. It feels cozy to me, in a familiar sort of way, seeing the students chatting and playing games.

We are then split up, boys and girls, and pointed towards our living quarters. Walking in, I take the first available bed in the corner as two more girls claim theirs. I'm relieved that I will be sharing my room with first-year girls as I'm hoping they don't know too much about my family and won't be inclined to talk to the older girl. 

I throw my trunk on my bed and start to unpack. Unfortunately, I was only able to bring a handful of my things, the rest stored away in our abandoned house. At that thought, the first sign of homesickness hits. 

After my parents were taken away, I was approached by Hogwarts and invited to attend the school. They wanted to bring me here immediately, but I was able to convince them to let me have a week or two to say goodbye to my childhood home. Regardless of how people view my parents, I was lucky to grow up in the home I did. 

Sure, they were rough around the edges and maybe not the most hospitable parents, but they were all I needed. My dad would take me on these long camping trips in the mountains and mum would invite me to garden alongside her in the afternoons. It seems silly, but I never judged them for being on the wrong side of the war. 

Good and evil always has two sides to the story and a lot of the time evil just means broken.


The next morning I headed to breakfast in the Great Hall and picked up my class schedule. Looking through my classes, I realize this is going to be an easy year: Apparition, Alchemy, Potions, Herbology, Charms, Transfiguration, and Defense Against the Dark Arts. I might have laughed a little at that last one. My father taught me Apparition magic years ago and, as most students assume, I am well versed in the Dark Arts. 

Regardless, I head to my first class of the day, Apparition, getting slightly lost along the way. They really should hand out maps for a castle this large. 

All the classes throughout the day go fine, no one talks to me and the work is as easy as I expected. Lunch was uneventful and so far no one has tried to talk to me which is how I prefer it. I'm here at Hogwarts out of necessity not to find friends in my last year of school. Also, it's not like people are lining up to be the death eater's friend. Honestly, I'm surprised no one has really bothered me about it, they mostly just avoid me and stare. Which is completely fine by me, I have a pretty thick skin, but I would prefer to just blend in and not cause trouble.

Walking into Defense Against the Dark Arts, my last class of the day, there are only a few seats left in the back. I scan my possibilities and see the blonde boy from yesterday sitting alone. I take the seat next to him and set my books down. Looking at him from the corner of my eye, I see him glance at me and quickly look away. 

The teacher begins the class and rattles on about who knows what, I'm not paying attention. I wouldn't have been able to do what I did for Voldemort and the death eaters if I didn't know how to defend myself. Instead of paying attention, I sneak glances at the boy as he writes his notes down. He looks just as tired as he did yesterday at dinner; I don't understand how he is even functioning being so exhausted all of the time. 

"Draco, eyes to the front," I turn to look discreetly and find him looking at me curiously. He then looks to the front and gives the professor a nod of acknowledgment. 

The rest of the class goes by quickly, most of which I spend observing the students and looking out the window. As class is dismissed, I grab my books and move to walk away until a hand grabs my arm. 

"Why weren't you taking notes?" Draco asks me, getting up from his seat. 

"Not to sound annoying, but I already know these things. I'm Olliana Bloodworth by the way." I stick out my hand to introduce myself. 

He shakes my head and answers, "Draco Malfoy. 

Then, suddenly all the pieces click together in my head because I know that name, Malfoy. I knew that this boy was hurting, but I didn't know how closely his hurt was to my own. I never met his family, but my parents sure knew his. I wouldn't say they were friends, more like coworkers. A few conversations would be brought up at the dinner table about the Malfoy's and what they were involved in, what they were helping Voldemort with. 

I wondered if he knew who I was, whether or not he knew my involvement. Even if he did, he has no room to place judgment since he was just as involved as I. Judging on the fact that he was looking at me at the sorting dinner, I would say he at least knew a little bit about me. 

Now I don't know what to do. Do I come outright and tell him that I know who he is? Or do I play it off like I had never heard of the Malfoy's? Recognizing who he is will almost certainly incriminate me and prove that I had some involvement with my parent's "work". However, it would be nice to have a friend here who knew what I was going through. Sadly, I did see the Daily Prophet's article on the arrest of his parents, alongside mine.

I understand his brokenness in a way no one else in this school could. Perhaps he needs a friend through these dark times as well. 

With my mind made up, I give him my best smirk, look him dead in the eyes, and whisper, "I know" before walking my way back to my dorm. 

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