Chapter 13- The Ministry

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We arrive at the Ministry of Magic after a dizzying Apparition. I immediately observe my surroundings and see a long black hallway leading to a set of double doors. The air is chilly, especially in my thin robes. After a moment's pause to get our bearings, my bound wrists are tugged forward, causing my feet to trip underneath me.

We make our way towards the door but pause right before opening it. The strange man who was given the unfortunate responsibility of retrieving me from Azkaban turns around to look at me. He is tall and slightly muscular, with brown wavy hair coming down to his shoulders. He wears black robes with the symbol of the Ministry on the breast. I figure he is some sort of enforcer or guard for the Ministry.

"When we walk in, you are to sit on the chair and be silent unless spoken to. Any kind of scene will not help your case and disrespect will not be tolerated." His voice is gruff and annoyed, as if he can't believe he agreed to this task.

Listening to his advice, I simply nod my head and look down towards my feet. In my head, I go over everything that Draco and I have planned for this moment.

The past few years of my life have been dictated by that one moment in Voldemort's presence. A moment so pivotal that it caused me to fall into a person that I never could recognize. The thing I did was to protect myself and my family, but at what cost? As a child, I was carefree and determined, always ready to learn magic from my father. Somehow that childlike innocence was taken the day I agreed to do the Dark Lord's bidding.

I never understood how one decision could alter the course of your life until this. But I've also learned that even the darkest decision can bring good. 

At some point in his life, Voldemort decided to become the dark wizard he was, wreaking havoc and death wherever he went. But his decision also created a boy who was brave enough to stand up and fight for his loved ones, molding into a man he never would have been. Draco decided to take on the burden of protecting his family, leading to the death of a respected Headmaster and friends. But it turned him into a good man and taught him to love. I decided to follow in my parent's footsteps and released some of the most dangerous wizards of all time out into the world. But I found my home at Hogwarts and someone who cared for me, someone who accepted my good and bad.

This is my one shot at freedom, but I can't help worry about Draco's fate. What if I am granted amnesty, but he isn't? At the thought, my stomach turns and tightens, causing me to swallow down nausea. I can't accept that fate; the world can't be that cruel.

We push through the doors and walk into a room lined with seating. Witches and wizards sit around the room, waiting to hear my trial and vote on my punishment. An impressively large seat is settled in the middle of the room. The stands of people tower over the chair; the layout is designed to intimidate the prisoner, no doubt.

Faces stare curiously at me from above; some look disgusted by my dirty appearance, while others seem saddened by my state. I try to ignore the soft whispering echoing around the room; I don't need to hear what awful opinions these people have of me.

I'm led to my seat, and I settle down with my bound hands sitting on my lap. My heart won't stop racing, and my hands are clammy from the anxiety. I'm not one to care about my looks, but it is a special kind of degrading to sit in front of finely dressed officials wearing rags that smell like your piss. I have no doubt that my hair is an oily, dirty mess as well.

A gavel bangs against the front podium to silence the gossiping wizards. The Minster of Magic sits at the front rustling some papers before beginning the trial, "We are here today to determine the fate of Miss Oliana Bloodworth for her crimes against the wizarding world. She is charged with conspiring with Death Eaters, breaking into Azkaban, destroying property, and loyally carrying out Lord Voldemort's deeds." 

Well, when you put it like that, it sounds pretty bad. Well here goes nothing...

***Well this chapter was short I know...I've been moving these past two weeks and had a big essay due for school. So hopefully things will pick up again soon!***

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