Chapter 5- Hogsmeade Weekend

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The next few weeks go by surprisingly fast. Most of my time was spent either in class, the library, or beneath the tree by Black Lake that has quickly become Draco and I's meeting spot. 

Beneath the tree, we chat mostly about school drama or silly thoughts, but, occasionally, we will comfort each other, slowly healing from our past. We speak about our fears of the future and our worries for our parents, who are currently serving their life sentences in Azkaban. 

The more nights that I spend in Draco's presence, the more I come to crave our time together. Unintentionally, we have latched ourselves to each other for comfort and, in some ways, love. Never before had I felt understood and accepted as I did beneath that tree with that broken boy. 

Today was a special day that I have been waiting for, ever since Draco mentioned it one afternoon: a Hogsmeade weekend. We agreed that we would meet in the Common Room before walking to the village together. 

I woke up extra early to give myself plenty of time to dress and throw on some light makeup. Draco and I have been balancing between friends and more since that first day at Black Lake, and I hope today is the day that we fall into being more. 

With that in mind, I throw on my favorite light blue sweater with my white buttondown collar peeking out at the top and my high-waisted, cropped black slacks. With my hair straightened and my oxford's tied up, I dust on some powder, blush, and mascara to finish off the look. 

Looking in the floor-length mirror in my dorm, I have to admit I look sharp as hell. Happy with the results of my primping, I gather my crossbody bag with my galleons and head down to the Common Room to meet up with Draco. 

Walking down the stairs, I see my favorite blonde-haired boy waiting for me by the fireplace, hands in pockets as usual. I tiptoe, trying to be as silent as I can, to sneak up on him before wrapping my arms around his waist. He tenses up slightly, only a little spooked at me sneaking up on him, and turns around to greet me. 

I smile sheepishly, "Good morning, are you ready to go?" 

He wipes his hands down his grey sweater as if he needs to straighten out any creases caused by my hug and gives me his signature smirk, "Lead the way," he takes a second to look me up and down, "You look exceptionally nice today, Ollie."

I can't stop my blush, "Thank you, you look quite nice in your sweater as well. I'm excited to check out the town today; I could hardly sleep." 

Grabbing my hand as we start our walk towards town, "Me neither, it has been awhile since I've been to Hogsmeade just for pleasure. I'd kill for a firewhiskey today."

"Well, firewhiskey you shall receive then. But first, can we visit the Sweetshop? I want to pick up some of my favorite chocolate that I've been craving."

"Of course! I also want to take you to Tomes and Scrolls; it's a bookshop that I think you'll like."

The rest of the walk there, we chat about our favorite books and mindlessly swing our joined hands back and forth in happiness. Every time I look up at Draco, he is smiling and laughing along with me. Come to think of it, I don't think either one of us has smiled or laughed this much as we have these past few weeks. 

I end up buying way to much chocolate and even get Draco to try some Bertie Botts. I happily got blueberry; unfortunately, Draco got earwax, much to his displeasure. He complained my ear off for the next half hour about how a great wizard like himself should not be eating anything that tastes of earwax. 

Fortunately for me, we arrive at Tomes and Scrolls, which shifts his attention to leading me around the aisles. 

Draco walks me around the bookshelves while pointing out some of his favorite reads; I would have never guessed that he liked books so much. 

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