Chapter 14

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Two more days after that we were still hanging around but in shifts. We still had other responsibilities and when we finally got all together he had woken up.

Reid had turned his head and opened his eyes, "Where am I?" His voice was hoarse, his throat was too dry to speak clearly.

We all looked up at a confused Reid.

He looked pinker but he was still pale. His lips were chapped, and he was sweating.

"Y/n, can you get me a trash can." Spencer asked and I nodded. When I came back I gave it to him.

He sat up and held the bucket for a moment; then he started vomiting. It had been around five days since his overdose.

He was starting to withdraw... again. We should have addressed his addiction the first time he started using then maybe he wouldn't be here.

My head started to fill with what ifs.

JJ walked over to his bed and grabbed his hand. She sat down next to him. "Spence... what happened?", he avoided our eyes and looked down into his lap. He tensed up and pulled his hand away from JJ.

His voice started cracking, "I just wanted to fe- better, I didn't know I had taken so much."

"You could've talked to us." He closed his eyes tight. Laying back down he turned to his side, JJ looked over at us silently asking if we could give them some space.

She wanted a moment alone with him.

Knowing that he was going to be fine physically helped a lot; mentally Reid was fucked up and all we could do was be there for him.

Aaron and I left the hospital, there was nothing else to do for him.

Trying to get Jack was another obstacle, when we got to Hayley's she wouldn't let him leave the house.

"Aaron he's not a game that you can pass back and forth whenever you want, he's a child and I don't need him to feel overwhelmed."

She shouted at him sparking an argument, I stayed in the car not wanting to cause any other problems that may arise. Hayley didn't know I was dating Aaron and that was an argument for another time.

She was furious, there was a moment when I thought she was gonna hit him; I would've gotten out the car but I left it alone.

Aaron came back to the car without Jack; he was clearly frustrated.

As we were driving to his place, I saw him gripping the steering wheel till his knuckles turned white. His gaze was dead set on the road ahead. I reached my hand out and put it on his. "Baby it's going to be okay."

His face rested and he dropped his hand into mine on the center console. His breathing slowed as he took deep and steady breaths.

I didn't blame him for being so upset; his coworker almost died, and now he couldn't see his kid because of his bitch ex wife.

We pulled into the driveway at his house and he shut off the car but didn't move. My hand was still gripped in his and he moved to face me, "I'm sorry."

"For what?", his sad eyes met mine.

"We were supposed to be with Jack. Now I can't get him back until next weekend."

I held onto his hand and squeezed, "Aaron it's ok... for the time we did spend with him I'd say he enjoyed himself while he could. Especially when he made that goal."

That got him to grin a bit, "Yeah that was pretty good wasn't it."

"Some things just happen that are out of our control. Best we can do is try harder next time." Aaron looked at me.

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