Chapter 8

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Two weeks later

I wake up at 2AM unable to go back to sleep. I laid there for an hour, eyes closed ready to fall back to sleep and nothing happened. I got frustrated and reached for my phone, I started scrolling through my contacts.

My finger is hovered over Hotch's name, determining if I really wanna bother him with this.

I click his name; the phone rings and he picks up.

"Hotchner", I smirk to myself; just hearing his voice relaxes me.

"Hey it's y/n", I hear him sit up, waking up a bit more.

"What is it?" Never mind, I really don't wanna bother him.

"It uh-- nothing, never mind." He shuffles and I sit up ready to get up fully.

"No it's okay, you can tell me."

"I'm just... having trouble sleeping. Can you maybe come over, you don't have too If--", he cuts me off.

"It's not a problem I'll be there." We both hang up; I get up waiting for him. Going to the kitchen to get myself some tea.

Someone knocked on my door; I opened it, "Hey." I said, sounding small, still feeling like a burden.

He had a bag on his shoulder and he dropped it on the couch.

Hotch tugs my hand to sit on the stool, "How are you... really", I honestly didn't know how to answer that. I've been having some trouble sleeping. I've noticed that I'm drinking a little more than I usually do.

"I'm not sure, but I've been having trouble sleeping and drinking a little more. My ex is basically haunting my dreams right now. I don't remember the last time I had a good night's sleep by myself."

Aaron looks at me genuinely listening to what I have to say, like he actually cares.

He grabs my hand and I continue. "I miss you, last time we were actually together was last week, but I know you have a life besides me."

He brings me towards him kissing my temple, "I miss you too. I'm trying to make some time for you."

"I know and I understand--it's just a little difficult, with work and things." I push him back a little bit, we sit there for another half an hour mainly talking about my problems.

I end the conversation grabbing his hand and pulling him into the bedroom. I get under the covers and he lays down next to me.

My back against his torso; his hand tracing my spine. Placing kissing up and down my jaw and neck. He sucks gently leaving behind tiny purple marks. I moan but I cut him off, flipping to face him.

"We'll have time for that tomorrow, but right now I just wanna sleep." Pouting a bit, but he understood.

He lays on his back, my face on his chest I trace the scars on his stomach.

Tangling our legs together I find his hand lacing our fingers. His deep breaths on the top of my head relaxes me, "Goodnight baby."

Aaron POV

I wake up in her arms, the sun peaking through the curtains illuminating her face.

She's gorgeous.

She shifted and moved her hand to my side.

Waking up y/n lifted her head. "Morning."

"Hey", I said quietly, sitting up against the headboard. I brought my hand to her back and hips.

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