Chapter 1

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This is a whole new beginning for the story... it will end the same as last time but I'm trying to go for a slightly new approach... bare with me

The chapters will be posted randomly


How was I supposed to do it? How were we supposed to plan it?

Aaron was known for not making a big deal of small things like this, especially when it was for him. It was his birthday today and he didn't want a big party or one in general.

He would've just loved it if he was spending the day at home with Jack. Probably sitting on the couch and watching a movie for his son's benefit. Totally ignoring his birthday and everyone at the BAU wasn't having it.

We wanted to do something special and completely throw out the idea that he didn't want anything done.

When I walked into the office the first place I went to was Garcia's office. Everyone else was just trying to get him to show up to the thing.

Which we were all expecting to be difficult. Aaron was a profiler and a damn good one. We really needed to trick him into going.

Opening the door I walked in. She was sitting at the table in the middle of the room on her phone. When she heard my footsteps she looked up.

"Ohh y/n sit down", I smiled at her eagerness and took the seat across from her.

"Do you have everything ready?"

Garcia huffed, "Of course I do dear, now Rossi's going to be asking Hotch for some help today at his house and we already know Hotch is going to say no to that."

"Because he knows Rossi too well, he's done this before." She had organized the whole thing, every step. She might not have been a profiler but she paid attention to everyone's mannerisms, how they would respond.

Understanding the fact that Hotch most likely wouldn't be fooled by Rossi's plan to get him to the house, again he's tried this before.

"Now obviously you are closest to boss man, you're going to be asking him out." I furrowed my brow and gave her a confused look. "Me?"

"Yes you, honey don't pretend like you're not friends with him, we all know. It's really cute." It was a funny thing to think about but she was right.

I was closest to him other than Rossi. We've been working together for five years and I would always help out if he needed it. I'd never actually thought about it till she said something.

"What am I supposed to say?"

"You'll figure it out, he'll trust you the most." Alright then

"Text me when you have him and I'll do everything else. The cake, dancing, music, and can't forget the alcohol which Emily is getting for us."

She finished telling me the plan and I had the single job of getting him there. As I walked out of the office, I went into the bullpen and set my stuff down at my desk. How was I supposed to do it?

It's just a party but I didn't want to lie to him. Maybe I don't have to

Everything throughout the day went perfectly. Hotch had declined Rossi's request and I knew as Hotch drove home he'd be spending his day there doing nothing.

When the day was over I walked up to his office to drop off the files. His face was concentrated on reading the words on the page.

With a small knock to the door frame he looked up with a gentle smile, "Hi."

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