//another author's note in which u must read before continuing to Chapter 25:")

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Hi guys, such a short notice but I've come to my senses to actually make an update. Thank you so so much for supporting this fanfiction I've made and for giving it love and support. ❤ Thank you for your patience, and I apologize for taking me months or years to update. I just didn't want to disappoint you guys with whatever ending I write. Hehe, sending hearts to everyone 💖

I want to write a really good one, but I guess I dwelled too much in the thought of the ending not being good enough for everyone and that thought made me stop in my tracks then gave me a writer's block. If you've seen my draft, you'd know how bad it is.. and boi, lemme tell u ;--; u won't like it. It's a pretty much shitty writing if you ask me. Don't ask, I just told you. =,=

Okay I'm gonna be honest, I cried when I saw the reads and comments everyone left and it made me really happy. I know some of you have been waiting for an update for sooooo long (also did kinda procrastinateㅡ and school, don't forget that omg). I gave it much thought but ended up not doing it. And I felt really guilty now that I realize I took long enough. I'm trying to think of a better way to the ending I've originally made butㅡ oh look, a bird just flew and sent you a message.

Lookie, lookie.

Oh what is it???

*totally shocked, and totally surprised, and totally not being sarcastic*

✨ writer's block or idk what to call it ✨

And yes, I experienced that after thinking too much... and made a really bad draft so...

I procrastinated a bit more and totally, not really, might have forgotten about it.

Okay, now I'm just repeating what I just said. Let's just say I haven't been "socially interacting" with any of my friendsㅡ dude, not even in chat. They're too busy with life that I just don't wanna bother them with that ㅠㅠ

But enough of that...

I JUST HOPE U GUYS READ THIS FIRST. IT'S LIKE AN APOLOGY LETTER THAT CLEARLY DOESN'T STATE AN APOLOGY AND MORE OF A RANT TO WHY I TAKE SO LONG TO UPDATEㅡ and I might have to read my fanfic as well cause lookie, lookie again.. I'm taking three sciences and it's causing my brain to explode that it made me kinda forget what I was actually writing. Oohhhh, science experiment that I never even participated in, oohh... I'm being random 🤦‍♀️

Do you guys even hear me talking even if you're just reading? No? Something's wrong with me then... ;--; ohshㅡ 👀

Okay, since I don't know if any of you would ever read this. If you came this farㅡ

It's creepy that I'm smiling while writing this, oh goodness...

Uhm, hehe.. if you came this far, I really appreciate you, your existence, and your effort to read through all this. I hope you enjoyed reading Unknown. I wish to give you a hug, but I can only do that virtually. Causeee I am really thankful, and no words can ever express how happy I am that you've supported my fanfiction.❤ *i wanna cri ;^;*

For you that came this far, I know the world is in the middle of a crisis. But I just want to remind you, whatever is happening around you or within you, I hope you still find happiness with little things. I hope you don't lose your hope to live or anything at all. Keep fighting until you see the light at the end of the tunnel. Talk to yourself every once in a while and keep yourself in check. Smile in front of the mirror. Wear a mask when you go outside, keep yourself in check, wash your hands, stay 6 feet away from people and stay safe💖💖💖

I actually have a lot to say but like.. at this point, I don't know anymore.

Anyone remember what name I used to introduce myself? If you do or ever went back to read it, comment it below and lemme see who came this far to read this kinda-not-really-but-maybe an unnecessary update I made :") love u guys ahue~❣

Edit: Knew it, I forgot something. I should've told you there's an update the chapter before this, pfft.... that was my purpose of making this... and I forgot about it, lol ;--;

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2020 ⏰

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