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Rin's POV

"And... done!" I said as I stepped on the floor hard, staying in a crab-like position. I panted, my arms falling and growing numb, as I walked towards the camera. I turned it off and kept it in my bag. Sighing, I sprawled my entire body on the floor and covered my face with my arm, fluttering my eyes close as the ceiling light blinded me.

I am so exhausted after choreographing a song and practising different roles over and over again. As the choreographer, I prepare the choreography a week ahead for everyone to learn weeks before an event. The camera the school provided was such a great help to the club. It helps us record our dance steps for future reference.

Aerin teaches the choreography to them. And if something isn't right, everyone pitches in their ideas so that the performance looks clean and better. I have a great club with awesome members that are cooperative and collaborative. They are like my second family, and I love them so much.

Tomorrow is Sunday, a week before the Valentine's Day event we have in our school. I decided to complete the choreography for next week's performance. Our club performs in school events or even fundraising for a program we choose to support. As the club president, I am responsible for this upcoming Valentine's Day event in collaboration with the school's art club. The school officers assigned to help with events, including the financial officers, will also help us throughout.

Fun fact, a few of our school officers are a part of the theatre arts club!

Several clubs also gave a hand with the preparations. Those who wish to exhibit their talents will also perform on stage! I know it's a theatre arts club, but we're open to everyone. Makes it all the fun!

For the event, I prepared a choreography for each group. The first group would be the performance unit. We have two groups performing. So everyone in that unit can perform on stage. The second would be the vocal unit with such beautiful voices. They will collaborate with the hip-hop unit with their mind-blowing rapping skills, performing our original self-written song. Jisung and his friends, The Dreamiesㅡ as what they call themselves, and I wrote the song together during a picnic day we had one time with the club. Mark, of course, did the beats and instrumental. It was really cool!

I wonder why I have the skills to dance and compose but not sing?? My voice sounds like a dying sheep, unfortunately. Sorry to break your perfect image of me. Huh, anyway-

The event happens to be in February. And yes, you guessed that right. It is for Valentine's day, yippie...

Kinda wondering what Jisung is gonna do on that day...

"Rin!" I sat up as I heard someone calling my name.

"Oh, Mark. Hi! Since when were you here?" I asked as I walked down the stage I'd been practising on.

"Just now. What about you? Why are you still here?" He asks. I sighed in response, untying my messy hair and tying my hair into a neat ponytail.

"I just thought that if I complete the song's choreography by today, we can practice it by tomorrow. Ugh, it's seriously in two weeks, Mark. It's kinda pressuring me." He nodded in reply.

"I understand, and you're doing great. Remember, you got me, the Dreamies, and Aerin. She probably wouldn't like to hear you're still practising this late. Besides, it's already sundown, if you haven't noticed. They're already outside and quite worried about you."

I had been in here all by myself for the entire day, practising and eating in this room, that I forgot to check the time and ignored a few calls. With a lot on my mind, being busy and preoccupied my schedule with practice and event planning for next week, it's been a while since I've sat in my room and enjoyed my time with my Spotify playlist.

Unknown || NCT Jisung FFWhere stories live. Discover now