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Jisung's POV

I scanned the empty hallway, carefully opening the letter I recently received. To be honest, she remained unknown but I have been guessing it is someone I know in my theatre arts club. She does mention that a lot in her letters.

A smile formed on my lips as I read the letter but soon formed into a pout when she said Mark-hyung is better than I was. Hmm, I couldn't agree more. He really is the best rapper I've known yet! Of course, I come in second. Although, there is a girl in our theatre arts club who was better than me. I have never really talked to her. She seems cool, too. I don't know her name yet but she's really pretty. She is so talented, I think she'll be huge in the future.

Anyway, in the theatre arts club, the only people I personally know are my friends and that is it. I don't even remember the name of our club president and the person who teaches us the choreographies and everything! And to say, that it was all good. I once heard that Aerin was. Or was it?

Now I just remembered something funny. This unknown person thought I was in a relationship with Eun Mi and that she is my girlfriend already. In fact, no one knows in this school that she is my best friend AND COUSIN. My stupid cousin is very overprotective and wanted to keep the girls out of the way so I can focus on my studies, blah blah. I already told her I hated the attention I have been getting from this, but my hyungs loved it for some reason. Tsk. If only I can hide away from her... we live together, too. I have no escape!

Though, I am quite convinced one of the guys like her.

"What's my favourite cousin doing here?~"

As soon as I heard that voice, I already knew who it was. I turned around, carefully putting the letter back in my locker and shutting my locker door close. I leaned back on my locker to be safe before she pulls out a stunt on me.

"Nothing! I wasㅡ getting my books." I stuttered.

"Strange. Classes are almost starting and you're still here?" She grew suspicious. Oh no...

"So.. tell me, little cousin. You're standing in the middle of an empty hallway, smiling like an idiot reading a little paper. Probably scented and coloured baby pink. Is it a love letter I suppose?" She smirked while I frowned. She's too observant, but I love my cousin the way she is. Unfortunately.

"No," I coughed, "now excuse me. I have to get to my next class already."

And just in time, the bell rang. I held her shoulders and softly pushed her away. I walked away, keeping my composure. I'm pretty sure my face already looks like it was about to explode. I left her standing there, probably still having that annoying smirk on her face that I would be glad to rather drown myself right now. This is so embarrassing.

Because I know, she knows something.

'It doesn't change the fact she likes me...'

The thought made me run towards my classroom with a smile on my face.

Unknown || NCT Jisung FFWhere stories live. Discover now