14. Discussion

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**Do you understand how much I wish this ship was canon!**

Sasuke was amused at Naruto's worried pacing. Naruto summoned him to the office and to Sasuke's disappointment it wasn't for what he thought it was. No, it was for Naruto to talk about his nosy wife who Sasuke loathed. Sasuke did not care if Hinata found out. In fact the only reason he cared at all was for Naruto's sake. Sasuke didn't care if the entire village knew he was gay for the Hokage, or how Sasuke was cheating on his wife at all. He did not care what those people thought of him. In fact he already got weird looks from a lot of people. (Missing arm, previously known as a criminal/rouge ninja take your pick) He only cared because if Naruto was found out to be cheating it could ruin his whole image. Naruto has been trying to be accepted by everyone in the village his entire life, now that he got it, Sasuke wasn't about to have Naruto's life fucked up.

Sasuke was willing to let go of Naruto to keep him happy even if it made himself miserable. Naruto wouldn't want that of course. He wanted Sasuke to be by his side for the rest of their lives. Even if it had to be a secret. Sasuke thought knew the truth of their situation. That it was only temporary and Naruto's wife would have him in her clutches again.

"...and she literally asks me if I am cheating on her. Like what am I going to do say yes? I think she just wanted to see my reaction or something. But I think she still doubts. I don't know what to do." Naruto was ranting to Sasuke in his office. Sasuke stood away from the desk at an appropriate distance. If anyone came in they would simply look like they were having a discussion.

"You can always let her find out and just tell her you aren't leaving me anyway so she should just find a dildo or something to screw."
Sasuke smiled slightly at the thought of Naruto just telling her and him not caring about her feelings. It was something he knew Naruto wouldn't do but he would pay good money to see it.

"Not funny Sasuke I'm being serious."

"It was kind of funny." He moved to Naruto's desk and glanced around the room. Naruto's mood brightened entirely being around Sasuke. He couldn't lose him. "You know maybe I should talk to her."

"Don't you dare." Naruto said it was with a playful tone, but behind it hid a threat Sasuke knew was not unfounded. Naruto would not be happy if Sasuke spoke to her. "If you speak to her then her suspicions will already be confirmed. You'll do nothing. In fact you'll probably scare her into telling someone else about us then we are really fucked. Gossip will spread like your fucking Amaterasu." Naruto's reasoning was sound but Sasuke didn't like letting things go after all.

"Okay...I won't talk to her. How about you just try not to be too obvious about us. You've been trying to see me a lot lately. Maybe we should make our meetings less frequent and also stop meeting at your office." Sasuke said but they were literally in Naruto's office right now. Naruto could just summon Sasuke whenever he wanted since Sasuke was actually living in the leaf village now. This was something Naruto liked to take advantage of. Just to maybe make out or just to talk. It really didn't matter but Sasuke would always come.

"Why can't we meet in my office?" Naruto said, he got up walking over to Sasuke now. "It's not like we are going to do anything." Naruto smiled slightly and brushed Sasuke's hair away from his face, and pulled him into a deep kiss. Then he pulled away. Sasuke enjoyed the kiss like he did all their kisses, but that didn't stop him from scolding Naruto about it.

"Come on Naruto! You can't just do that we are supposed to be cautious." Identifying their close proximity he gently pushed him but it had no effect. Naruto was still way to close to be seen as 'just friends' should someone walk in.

"No one is even in here."

"You have those large ass windows." He glanced to the windows behind Naruto. Sasuke couldn't be certain no one was watching them. But Naruto could tell they were fine he just wouldn't explain how he knew. Keeping Sasuke on his toes was funny. Especially when Naruto knew that right now there was nothing to be afraid of.

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