3. Sweet Dreams

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*Smut Warning* and this is a long chapter

Naruto was in his office yet again. He was half asleep filling out paperwork as always when someone knocked on the door.

"Come in." Naruto said half asleep on his desk. He was expecting Shikamaru to pick up some stuff. Naruto was happy when instead he saw Sasuke. His face lit up and he immediately did not feel tired anymore. Sasuke has been home only for a day and Naruto is already feeling his desperately repressed feelings. He kept them locked away as long as Sasuke went away but now he is here to stay. He would have some more trouble concealing it the longer and more frequently they interacted.

"Naruto..." Sasuke began. He was apprehensive and his voice was soft. Uncharacteristic of him. Naruto wanted to know what was wrong immediately and pushed his feelings for Sasuke aside at the moment.

"What's wrong?"

"I have something to tell you..." Sasuke struggled. But eventually he said it. "I am in love with you -- have been...for years...."

"What?" Naruto could not believe what he was hearing. Why now? Sasuke was married. He was married. They both had a kid. Why now what's the point? Naruto was flustered, and Sasuke took advantage of that.

"You heard me." His voice building more confidence.

"No no Sasuke. You must be confused or something. I mean we're both... You have Sakura, and I have Hinata. Even if I was--"

"But you are--" Sasuke interrupted. Naruto interrupted him as well.

"I said, Even if I was interested...We would not work."

"Why not?"

"Like I said we are both married and we are two totally different people. We are not compatible."

"Not compatible you say...?" Sasuke walked closer and placed his one hand on Naruto's desk leaning in. "I don't see you complaining about this..." He leaned forward and was unable to hold Naruto or gain his balance. Naruto couldn't resist and accepted, he leaned in to the kiss as well his hands framing Sasuke's face and holding him steady.

"I'm not complaining...but we can't be together Sasuke. It's not right. I can't be--"

"It can be our little secret."

"T-that's wrong Sasuke. I can't do that to Hinata. She loves me..."

"Do you love her too?"


"As much as me?" He asked teasingly the amusement in his voice evident as he smirked at Naruto. He already knew the answer, Naruto did not have to say a word.

Naruto couldn't answer. How do you measure how much you love someone? But Naruto knew. He loved Sasuke more. Sasuke was always in the forefront of his mind. Hinata he mostly got married to her because she was there, and she loved him. Hinata was an amazing woman, a great person. But that essential spark it was missing. She wasn't who he thought about in the night on those nights. She wasn't who he wanted to go to all the time. She wasn't the one who he would miss constantly. She wasn't the one who he chased for years. She wasn't the one he lost an arm for.

"Sasuke...I love you."

"I love you too Naruto."

"But I can't."

"You want this Naruto I know you do. You want me. Just please..." Sasuke pleaded with Naruto. He needed him so badly. Naruto's heartstrings tore apart. Their faces so close in proximity it took all his willpower not to kiss him again. But Sasuke closed the gap, and Naruto didn't pull away.

In the Hokage's Office | NaruSasuWhere stories live. Discover now