21. Everyone Knows

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Naruto walked around the next day office in an unusual sort of happiness. (Attributed to his recent late night activities most likely) News spread around easily that Naruto wasn't living with Hinata anymore. Rumors did indeed 'spread like amaterasu'. Naruto didn't deny that he and Hinata were no longer living together when confronted by the nosy villagers at Ichiraku.

"There's news going around that you bought an apartment? Are you and Hinata separated?" Just one question from a nameless villager one of the many he has encountered. It was more straightforward than other questions he had been getting recently.

"Yes. Hinata and I are officially divorced." Naruto said bluntly, and the people were pushed away unable to ask any further questions as he finished his ramen. The only one in the shop who didn't ask questions was Teuchi. His daughter on the other hand frequently tried gaining some information when he came in ever since the news of his divorce became widespread.

"Lord Seventh! Glad you are here today! Do you want another Miso pork ramen? I'll make it faster if you tell me if it's true or not that you broke up with Hinata because you love someone else." Her excited tone was endearing and Naruto was about to answer saying something ambiguous which wouldn't give her exactly the answer she wanted.

"Ayame! Don't pry into Naruto's private life, when he's here he's just here to eat ramen. Go serve that customer over there." He ushered her away, and Ayame shot Naruto a pleading look wanting to know the truth. Practically everyone was talking about it. Naruto just focused on his ramen instead. He kind of found it funny how everyone wanted to know but it was also exhausting at the same time. Sasuke didn't face any of this. No one was asking about him. Maybe it would be funny if he sent people his way. Just spread a little something so that he'd be faced with these pesky nosy villagers as well.

Naruto was not actually going to do that though. After all he only got divorced a little over a week ago. It would be really awkward to just say that he was seeing someone else this soon. It would be even worse if they knew it was Sasuke. It would break the news that he was gay, and it would insinuate that this relationship was interfering with his marriage. You could probably even come to the conclusion that they were probably even cheating and were together before his marriage ended all at the same time. Naruto said he didn't care about losing his job, but Sasuke made him promise to at least try to keep his image. Both of them knew that his public image affected his standing greatly, and Sasuke wanted Naruto to remain Hokage seeing that was the best thing for the village.


The rumors soon became closer to the truth. Partially perpetuated by Sakura talking with Ino. Sakura spoke to Ino about how Sasuke divorced her but didn't mention the real reason why for fear of Sasuke coming to kill her ass. Ino put the pieces together after hearing about how Naruto divorced Hinata recently and with her already sneaking suspicious on a years-long foundation of their 'friendship' she easily connected A to B.

Suddenly the rumors went from "Naruto divorced Hinata." which became known as the truth but then, "Naruto divorced Hinata because he's seeing someone else now."

To "Naruto divorced Hinata because he's gay." the seeing someone else portion was forgotten, so people just assumed he was just gay and unhappy with Hinata. This information though unconfirmed was accepted way easily than Naruto initially anticipated. No one dared ask him if it was true. Some villagers discussed that they were happy Naruto had the courage to leave a marriage he was unhappy with, they just didn't know the real catalyst that ended it. After all only a few knew Sasuke was actually in the equation.


Iruka was hearing these strange rumors about Naruto. His students would be speaking about how Naruto was gay or that he was a cheater, or that he divorced Hinata, apparently the rumors started from the last one mentioned. But Naruto never told him any of this. Why was that? Iruka was there at his wedding, he was basically his adoptive father. Why didn't Naruto tell him anything? These must all just be lies or gossip people are making up.

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