Author's Note

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Thank you for reading In the Hokage's Office.

Thank you for all the comments I received! They helped keep me motivated. I got a lot of funny comments and supportive ones!

Thank you to everyone who made it this far,  and those who commented/voted and just plain read this book silently. You're all awesome! I hope you have a great day. I hope this gave you some enjoyment if only for a short time!

You could check out some of the other shit I wrote if you want.


Zalenciaaa is writing a book called Silently Mute. You should check it out I personally love it they are an awesome writer, and it is another NaruSasu.

It's not like my book at all it's just amazing and it's a high school au, which I know a lot of people love. It's first person as well, which I'm not that good at writing in.

I hope to see you guys again!

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