7. Replacement

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A/N: I just found this cute fanart and thought I'd share. Has nothing to do with the story.

Over the next week things had begun changing in the village due to Naruto's diligent work. He was working even harder than he had before Sasuke's arrival. Some might say because Sasuke got him motivated. In a sense they were right. It was really more about Naruto being motivated to keep busy to keep himself from Sasuke.

Sasuke would be assigned some work and no one in the Hokage's office could believe that Sasuke Uchiha had his own office (though small and cluttered) and was helping Lord Seventh as a sort of assistant. Sasuke didn't really need to work to sustain himself. He had an inheritance from his parents. Sasuke was beginning to get frustrated. Dreaming of Naruto every other day, and nothing happening. Naruto ignored all his advances, the subtle flirting, the glances and it was eating at Sasuke.

Then there was Naruto's advisor. Shikamaru is Naruto's best friend. (If you don't count Sasuke as Naruto's best friend) He was also a literal genius. It would take a complete idiot to see what was going on and completely miss it. Naruto was somewhat angrier and more irritated all the time. Naruto was usually a chill guy, so when Shikamaru just wanted to meet Temari for dinner and leave only an hour earlier than usual Naruto flipped and Shikamaru decided he couldn't overlook his friends' attitude anymore. It didn't matter if he was the Hokage.

"What the fuck is wrong with you Naruto? You are so much more irritated or something. You need to get laid." Naruto heard these words come out of Shikamaru's mouth and he stood there absolutely shocked. Shikamaru was never one to raise his voice like that. "Working with you is such a drag. I can't believe you got so angry at me for wanting to be with my wife, you know maybe you should just go home and be with yours." With that, Shikamaru left slamming the door behind him. Naruto could have ordered him to stay but both of them knew he wouldn't. Sasuke came in not 5 minutes later after Shikamaru left. Naruto was not in a good mood but Sasuke didn't know that.

"So I got some papers for you from--"

"Sasuke." Naruto's voice was different, dangerous even. A shudder went down Sasuke's spine. Something is wrong.

"Yes...?" Sasuke's voice was low it wouldn't have been audible if the room was completely silent.

"Why did you really want to work here, with me?"

"I just wanted to help you." Which was the case but Naruto was looking for the straightforward answer. The real answer.

"In what way....?" Naruto forced himself to ask differently. He wanted the real answer which Sasuke was prepared to give him if it meant he got what he wanted. Sasuke placed the papers down, and he looked Naruto in his eyes with as much confidence as he had.

"I wanted to sleep with you."

Finally, he told me what he is really here for. Naruto wanted to hear Sasuke say it and stop pretending. All week he thought he had been just either imagining it, but it happened way too often to be a coincidence. Naruto could reciprocate but he had to be stronger he did not want the guilt of tearing apart his family.

"Sasuke, you're married, I'm married. Go home to your daughter and wife." The way Naruto said the word sounded like an insult. If words could cut then the way he said it did.

"Naru--" Sasuke was cut off.

"You're dismissed, Sasuke." Naruto's tone of voice was cold and unbreakable. It hurt him so much to just tell him to leave when he so badly wanted him. Sasuke turned around angry but before he left he said one last thing.

"Naruto you want this too I know it. One day soon you're going to scream my name." Sasuke shut the door, and Naruto blushed so hard. But Sasuke didn't see it as he walked away disappointed and angry at the same time.


Sasuke came home to Sakura and his daughter. Frustration flowed in his veins. When nighttime came Sakura said something to him finally after noticing his mood for hours.

"Whats wrong with you. You are so tense lately..." She moved closer to him and placed her hands on his chest looking at him in his eyes. His single rinnegan eye visible and his hair was a mess. Sakura did not really like to see his eye since it reminded her of the orange haired ninja who attacked the Leaf village so long ago. "Having wet dreams and not letting me take care of you...you need to let go..." She moved a hand to his crotch and Sasuke wanted to stop her but he was so horny already he figured he should just let her do what she wants if it will get rid of his problem. Naruto was obviously going to reject him because he felt such a strong moral obligation to his wife. But that didn't mean Sasuke would stop trying.

"Hard already?" She took her hand away. "You haven't had sex with me in sooo long. You aren't sleeping with anyone else are you?"

"Do you think I would be this tense if I was Sakura." He made her feel stupid. Sakura put her hand back, and unbuckled his pants. She began to jerk him off. He put his head back and closed his eyes. He wished he was sleeping with someone else...He wished it was...

"Naruto..." Sasuke whispered quietly. Sakura didn't hear him, she probably just assumed he moaned incoherent words because was liking it. Sasuke closed his eyes and tried to imagine he was there instead of her.


Naruto was also experiencing a problem of his own. Boruto would not get to bed. He tried reading him a story, tucking him in, and he put away all of Boruto's toys.

"Dad!! I wanna stay up! I wanna stayyyy." Boruto whined and pouted. Naruto did not like making his son upset, but it was nighttime and he had to sleep. Boruto was having an annoying tantrum. Then Hinata came in and Boruto stopped pouting.

"Mama! Tell Dada I can stay uppp!" He cheered as if she would definitely say yes.

"No Boruto, you can't. You need to go to sleep. I'll read you a story come on."

"Ok Mommy." He readily agreed not putting up any fight. Naruto was in shock.

Hinata read Boruto the exact same story Naruto did, but instead of still being up running around, Boruto was sound asleep. Naruto was absolutely astounded. How did she do that? When they got to their bedroom he asked her.

"How did you do that?"

"It's a mom thing I guess. Also you're a pushover."

"I am not a pushover."

"You are you give him whatever he wants. Children need structure and discipline. You spoil him."

"Really? I can show you discipline." Naruto turned the conversation's mood into a full 180. From parenting to sex. Hinata blushed furiously, and Naruto flipped and went on top of her with both hands by her head. He leaned down to kiss her.

"We can't do this now, you're probably tired..." Hinata tried to reason, but she was kind of in the mood now too. Naruto had a way of just flipping a switch with her easily. After all he was the embodiment of her desires she loved him since she was a child in the Academy.

"I'm definitely not tired." Naruto was feeling horny from more than an entire week of no sex, and Sasuke trying so hard to get into his pants.

"Ok fine." Hinata's head lifted up to kiss him again and they kissed deeper and more passionately. Naruto could almost lose himself and forget that Hinata was the one he was with right now and not...

"Sasuke..." Naruto whispered without thinking about it. He immediately regretted it. But Hinata's face showed no reaction so he continued. Naruto did not know that Hinata had heard Naruto softly whisper his best friends name instead of hers.


Decided to publish this chapter early cause this book has 70 reads already. Idk I got kinda happy at that. Have a good day everyone.

In the Hokage's Office | NaruSasuUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum