OLD [Chapter 23]

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"A small concussion won't take you away from me, yeah? I survived an explosion, you can survive a small concussion," George stated. You giggled, stuffing your face into his chest.


*   *

After a few days, both you and George had been released from hospitalization and had spent the whole week together, whether it was just the two of you or your friends joining as well. But today? Today was the day George would be leaving. Right now, you were staying in a hotel with him.

As you awakened, George was still sound asleep with his arm around you. You snuggled closer, knowing this was his last day and you wanted to be as close as possible to him. He smelled nice, like cinnamon. It was a smell you'd never forget. You closed your eyes again, savoring the moment.

Once feeling a bit of movement from the boy laying next to you, you opened your eyes and turned around to look at him. He sat up, pulling you up with him. 

"Good morning," he yawned, hugging you tightly. 

"Morning," you replied, kissing his cheek. "I still can't believe you're going." George rolled his eyes.

"Don't remind me," he whined. You shuffled around, getting comfortable.

"When do you leave?" You asked. George pulled out his phone to check the time. His eyes widened in surprise.

"Three hours. Get up! We gotta get breakfast with the others," he stated, his touch slipping away. Before letting go of your hand, he placed a delicate kiss on it and smiled brightly. "Don't feel down, we still have some time." As George walked away, you got up and stretched. You were supposed to drive up to the airport and eat at a cafe there with the others. You changed into a white skirt with black tights underneath. You tucked a soft gray sweater into your skirt and made sure all your clothes were packed. You plopped back onto the bed, sliding into your boots and waiting for George to finish. Before he came out, you made sure to check your notifications and brush out your hair. No makeup was needed for today as barely anyone would see you. Well, maybe a dash of blush-

George came out of the bathroom, his hair wet but slicked back nicely. You knew it would just get messy again later which made you giggle. George saw this and he furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. He was wearing a dark blue sweatshirt with some jeans. Your eyes widened as you realized what was missing. You jumped up and went through his suitcase, looking for a sweatshirt. Once having found what you wanted, you slipped it on over your head. It was a pretty big size for you but it only made you laugh. It was a light yellow color with a small happy face in the corner of the sweatshirt. 

"Ooh, you were looking for that. You can keep it," he smiled. You shook your head.

"Of course I'll keep it, whether you like it or not," you grinned, hugging yourself with the sweatshirt on. George chuckled. 

"I love you so much. I'll miss you," he gulped, looking away. You frowned and ran up to him and wrapped your arms around him tightly. 

"I love you too. More than I can take. Let's just go eat, all right? Don't let it ruin our day," you beamed, trying to raise the mood. It seemed to work as George smiled at you and nodded. In a moment, the two of you had left and were going to meet up with the guys at the cafe.

*   *

You guys had just finished eating at the cafe when George was told to board his flight. It was the most dreaded part of the day for all of you. George hugged Karl first, thanking him for coming to help out. They said something quietly to each other and let out a loud laugh. Then he went over to Nick. They hugged for a moment, no words said to each other. Only a nod and a smile. As George walked up to Clay, they stood in silence for a minute. George finally pulled Clay in for a hug and Clay chuckled. 

"It was so good to meet you," George confessed.

Yeah, it was," Clay agreed. With a final, warm smile, George came to you. You gulped, holding back your feelings. 

"Y/N. I'll be back before you know it, okay? And we can talk online, though I know it won't be the same. I love you," he cooed, pulling you in for a kiss. You allowed it, kissing him back softly. His lips were warm and soft just like always. You wouldn't be- you wouldn't be able to kiss him or hug him for-

You broke into tears, pulling away from him and instead shoving your head into his chest, hugging him desperately. 

"I love you too, George. Please come see me soon," you smiled sadly, letting go of him. You had almost brought him to tears as well, but he smiled sadly back, mouthing an 'of course' and walking away to his flight. Karl went up to you and hugged you, all of them did. George glanced back at you, though you didn't see, and a tear fell. He quickly wiped it and walked off.

End of Book One

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