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There were times when one could sit and gander the meaning of life — more specifically, their life — and you had a feeling you might just do this same. Everything had happened in a blur of events and your head was still slowing it's roll, the picture barely starting to clear. When the notification appeared that GeorgeNotFound had messaged you, reality seemed to fade into the background. It was possible that you were too tired, too overstimulated from streaming and how feeble a state it left your mind in, furthermore causing everything to feel incomprehensible.

So, you were far more hesitant to respond to the dm you had received than how you were with Sapnap's message. Then again, you reasoned with yourself. You wouldn't want a good opportunity to be blown away simply because you decided you were too dismal to respond. With how fast you had replied to Sapnap, surely George was feeling a little off at the wait — or maybe he didn't know, but you couldn't assume.

ur creation yesterday reminds me of someone I know

You nibble on the nail of your thumb, mulling over a response. Talking to someone you had never met directly through the internet always set you on an awkward stage. Tones were unreadable, reactions unknown; moreover, you were talking to someone with a bigger internet persona. But then again, it was always better to be yourself.

hello? who r u.

It was perfect, right? A grand introduction to who you were and it didn't give away anything. Who could resist something so odd and funny?

thank you

You gaped. His response had taken quite a long time, so you were most definitely not expecting whatever that was. Did he just thank you? How were you meant to respond to something so... out of the ordinary? Random?


Oh. A relieved sigh escaped from the parting of your lips.

i thought we had a thing going on

You stifled a chuckle, quickly replying.

like a "don't let them know ur next move" thing?

sort of
more of a "lets be mysterious" thing

that was my idea!

so i was right :)

A smile played at your lips, a mirror of the text-encrypted smile.

i guess so
reply: ...ne I know
— yesterday? that was today

i forgot ur american.

and i can hear the eye roll through the screen

makes sense tbh
otherwise i would have been handsome in ur creation

well excuse me?!
u looked pretty handsome to me

Was that weird? You hoped it came off as a playful joke, which was what you meant it as.

my hair was literally at the block limit in the sky
u r kidding me

woops! silly me

You found yourself more entertained than you believed you would be, hunched over messaging the streamer, completely ignoring your bed time. You'd be completely drained the next morning, but George was more important. For now.

YOU'RE MY LONDON | gnf x readerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon