OLD [Chapter 16]

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"Love you too, Y/N." 

*   *

"N/N?" A voice yelled from the living room, presumably George.

"You can't come in!" You shouted, waiting for the oven to finish preheating. His puppy pranced around you, hoping to get a taste of the food you were making. You gave the pup a treat instead so you'd be left alone. It worked and so you went back to cooking.

You were baking a cake for George, as you weren't able to on his birthday and you had assumed he hadn't gotten one. But George was so close to finding out and you didn't want to rush his cake to make sure he didn't want to find out. As soon as the oven finished preheating, you put the newly formed cake in and put a timer on for thirty minutes. You'd distract George for thirty minutes, then get back to the cake. It should be pretty simple, right? 

Not with George trying to get a sneak peek of what you were baking. Quickly putting the gloves down and taking the apron off, you made your way over to George. 

"I want to know what you're making," he pouted, in which you giggled in reply. "Why can't I?" 

"It's obviously a surprise," you smiled, sitting down on the couch next to him. It was quiet, a nice quiet. You laid your head on his chest. With a tug, you pulled his arm over you. His hand took yours and squeezed it softly, appreciating your presence. The thought of leaving in five days shook you, as you knew it was affecting George just as much. You could barely stand it when you weren't with George but, because of earlier, it was different. You see, not only would you be really longing for him, but he would also long for you as well. George took a deep breath, and you knew he was going to bring it up.

"N/N, you probably know what I'm going to say. When you go back... God, when you go back. What'll I do?" He asked, his eyes staring at the patterns on the floor.

"Um, the same as always. Just, it'll be a little different," you stated, your voice as soft as the gentle hum of the air. 

"A little different?" He asked, his pitch rising. "Y/N, you're my girlfriend. It'll be more than a little different." You raised a hand to his hair to ruffle it up and you smiled warmly.

"Of course. We'll find a way, okay?" You pushed yourself closer to him, feeling too far from him, though you were already pretty close to him. He allowed it and wrapped an arm around you to keep you there. 

Soon, the two of you were fast asleep.

*   *



You jumped up, hearing the alarm go off. Covering your ears, you shook George awake, surprised he wasn't already awake by the noise. He looked up at you, confused, before shooting up and pulling you into the kitchen. You had slept for about two hours, leaving the oven on and the cake to burn and catch on fire. 

"No! The cake!" You gasped, rushing forward, forgetting about the fire somehow. The air around you became warmer and smelled like burnt toast. Something grasped onto your hand and pulled you back, causing you to fall. You yelped, preparing for impact. Instead, you fell right into George's arms.

"Be careful, Y/N! There's literally a fire, who cares about the cake?!" He shouted. He pushed you out of the room. "Go wait outside, just in case something happens. Okay? Call the fire department, I'll try to put out the fire." You watched his expression change from anger to worry in a quick second, the way his eyebrows relaxed, his jaw letting go. Nodding, you picked up your phone from the counter and ran outside, contacting the fire department. 

You waited and waited, no sign of George. Though the house was okay, and it was winter, your gut kept telling you to run in and pull George out. The air around you felt warmer and smelled like gas. The fire department arrived and a few firemen got out. You couldn't shake the feeling that something bad was bound to happen and that you needed to bring George out. You sprinted at full speed towards the house, knowing you barely had any time if you were right. Before you could even get close to the door, two firemen pulled you back, telling you that it was a death wish to go inside. You shook your head and tried to pull away.

Boom. Right in front of you, an explosion.

The only sound that was heard after that was your heart-wrenching scream for George.

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