OLD [Chapter 10]

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"What's wrong?" He asked. You pushed his hand away. "Nothing," you murmured. 

*   *

George furrowed his eyebrows at you, once again, in confusion. He ate some more of his soup. You, realizing how selfish you were being near his birthday, immediately changed your mood. It was hard to, due to how you were feeling, but you put on a smile and ate the soup.

"So you're staying here?" George asked. You nodded.

"As long as that's okay with you," you replied. He smiled.

"Of course," he said. You finished his soup, gulping down a huge chunk of the broth.

"Damn, that was good," you grinned. George winked at you.

"Made from the best," he chirped. Laughing, you got up to put your plate away.

"Uh-huh, if you say so," you teased. He raised his eyebrows at you.

"And I do say so," he stated. You shook your head and walked into the kitchen. His house was small but enjoyable. His kitchen was even smaller but had everything a kitchen needed. You set your bowl in the sink and filled it up with some water to make it easier to clean. Footsteps from behind you slowly became louder as George came from behind and placed his bowl in the sink as well, copying what you did. You stretched, cracking your back. George cringed at this. You noticed and started a conversation to distract his mind. 

"So, whatcha wanna do tomorrow?" You questioned. He pressed a finger to his chin. As you took a deep breath, the smell of soup danced around the two of you, never leaving. George's eyes lit up and he smiled brightly. 

"Ice skating!" He exclaimed. You cocked your head to the side and frowned.

"I can't ice skate," you admitted. George nodded.

"That's okay, I'll just help you," he grinned. You couldn't help but giggle. 

"Okay! Sounds good."

*   *

Pizza Mozerella >:)

My girlfriend has requested to be in this story at least once, so this is for her.

He's now a male and is my ex but we're still really good friends.

Suddenly, a crash was heard, along with a high-pitched yelp. It came from outside. Whoever it was cursed quietly to themselves. You glanced at George to see his expression turned upside down. He walked up to the door and opened it. You followed him, curious to see who had fallen. A boy who was a little on the chubby side, with short, shaved-off hair was laying face first in the snow. He winced, feeling the cold sting her face. Getting up, he brushed the snow off and turned to look at us. Even though he was wearing a snow jacket, he was still freezing. He immediately apologized to us for falling into his front yard. George laughed.

"It's okay," he smiled. "What's your name?"

"M-Mat," the boy stuttered, looking around. "Aren't you TommyInnit?" He asked, looking back at us. George frowned and shook his head. 

"No, actually," he chuckled awkwardly. "Sorry if you were hoping to see him." Mat's eyes widened.

"Oops, my bad!" He yelled before racing off.

*   *

You chuckled, sitting back down on George's couch, feeling a little more relaxed.

"That was weird," you confessed. George laughed.

"I guess," he said, turning his attention to you. He sat down next to you and made himself comfortable. He pushed up against you and you giggled.

"Moveee!" You exclaimed, trying to push him off. He groaned.

"Ugggh, fine," he grumbled. You smiled wide. He turned on the TV and searched for the Netflix app. Once found, he opened it up. "So, what should we watch?"

"I'm good with anything," you stated. He frowned.

"That doesn't really give me any ideas, Y/N," he frowned. You shrugged and scratched the back of your neck. 

"Gimme the blanket," you whined. He shook his head.

"Tell me the type of movie we should watch," he demanded. You frowned and crossed your arms.

"Horror, I guess," you grumbled, "now gimme that blanket!" George smiled and gave you the blanket. You huffed and hugged it.

"Thank you, Y/N," he smirked. You wanted to hit him softly against his cheek but you refrained yourself from doing so. He saw your glare, well, more like your death stare, and put his hands up. "Sorry! I'm sorry, don't kill me!" You chuckled and looked at the TV. George took this as a sign to keep scrolling for a movie. Eventually, he found one, and you prepared for the worst... The jumpscares.

Shorter chapter but it's a cute one :)


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