twenty one

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Christmas Eve (Maya's POV)
"Where did you learn how to cook like this?" Theo asks me as the four of us sit down to have some breakfast that I made.

"Harry and I always had to make breakfast so I've had a lot of practice."

"Did those lazy fucks ever do anything for themselves?" Malfoy growls as he picks up a piece of bacon.

"Not really." I say as I shake my head. They always had Harry and I do everything. The cooking, the laundry, the cleaning.

"But at least you know how to cook, unlike Theo." Liv jokes.

"Excuse me?" Theo says as he sets his coffee down on the table.

"No, she's right T. You can't cook..." Theo looks from Liv to me, both of us shaking our heads. Then he looks to Malfoy to see if he will disagree with us.

"I can't help you there bud. I've tasted your cooking and they're right. Maya can cook and make the food taste good. Your food shouldn't even be called food."

"Oh I see, she's Maya now." Theo jokes as he shoots me a smile and a wink.

"Shut it, Theo." Liv growls at him as she sends me a wink. Theo didn't notice that but Malfoy did and he sends me a questioning look but I shrug it off.

"So what are you girls doing while we're going to meet up with Blaise?" Theo asks us.

"We're baking today." Liv says excidetly.

"You guys could always come with us." Theo says.

"No. A girls day is much needed." Liv demands.

"She's right, T. Tell Blaise I say hi though."

"Alright." Theo says as he stands up from the table. "Have fun and don't burn the house down."

"Again, she can cook just fine." Malfoy says as he stands up. Liv leaves the room to put her dishes in the kitchen and Theo runs up stairs for a moment to grab something.

"Maya..." Malfoy says as he gets closer to me. He stands behind me and hugs me from behind as he sets his head on my shoulder.


"Did you tell little Theo about us?" he whispers in my ear.

"Mmm no." I say.

"Are you lying to me?" he says, leaving a few kisses on my neck.


"Okay... well just know that we shouldn't tell anyone about us... it's dangerous." he mumbles.

"I am aware of that." I say as I turn my head to face him. He leans in and gives me a soft kiss before stepping away from me.

"So what are you guys doing today?" I ask him as Theo walks back in.

"Not sure." Theo says.

"Well, have fun." I say as the two of them leave.

I grab all of the dishes and take them into the kitchen where I find Liv, standing at the sink cleaning the ones that were already brought in.

"Thank you for doing that." I say to her.

"No problem. It's my house so I really should be cleaning."

"So what should we bake today?"


"Mmm sounds good." I say as I head to look for ingredients as she cleans.

"Soooo how are things with you and the boyfriend?" Liv asks.

"Well. I don't really know."

"What do you mean?" she asks. "He seemed to be sending you a lot of compliments today at breakfast."

"Yeah but we've only been official for a few days and we haven't spent any time alone since then. Besides that one night he snuck into my room but all we did was read."

"Have you know?" She asks. I feel my face go pink when she asks that question because I start remembering the events of the nights we spent together.

"Yes." I mumble. "Once."

"Okay so sneak into his room and do it again."

"But you guys are here...."

"It's called silencing charms."

"Right." I say and we both laugh.

"You know, you're lucky you have me." Liv says as she smiles at me. "Because you really aren't the smartest."

"Shut up." I say. "But i'm glad I have you.. No one else would understand... and i'm kind of scared to tell T."

"I think Theo would be supportive if you're happy."

"Maybe.. my brother wouldn't be happy."

"Well your brother is never happy so he can suck it up."

"You're not wrong."

"Just do what makes you happy, Maya."

"Thanks Liv."
End Of POV

Malfoy's POV
"So how has it been with this cranky fuck and Potter in the same house?" Blaise asks Theo as they both laugh.

"Not bad at all... they've been getting along." Theo explains.

"No way?" Blaise says.

"Mhm, he calls her Maya now and compliments her cooking."

"Would you two fuck off?" I snap.

"And apparently he's only happy when she's around." Theo says. I mean he's not wrong.

"Whatever." I roll my eyes.

"How are things going with you and Parkinson?" Theo asks Blaise.

"Yeah I can't believe you're sleeping with her now." I say.

"Things have been weird between us and shut the fuck up Malfoy. You fucked her and dated her way before I did."

"Weird how?" Theo asks. I roll my eyes. I didn't need to be reminded of that.

"Like she's always asking about Maya and Malfoy."

"I can't help it if she's obsessed with me, mate." I say.

"It's more like she's obsessed with Maya though." he explains. What?

"What the fuck does that mean?" I growl.

"I don't know. She's always asking about you two and if you're getting close. She thinks Maya is distracting you from doing... well you know. She's always asking if you two have a thing now. It's weird."

"Sounds like she's jealous of Maya?" Theo suggests.

"Maybe." Blaise says.

"Jealous of her?" I ask.

"You are so fucking dumb, I swear." Blaise says as him and Theo laugh. "She thinks Maya likes you."

"Right." I say. "Well let her think what she wants."

"I'm not going to see her again I don't think. It's too weird." Blaise says.

"Well, you do what you want." Theo says.

"So they're actually getting along now?" Blaise asks Theo.

"For fuck sakes you two are annoying." I say and roll my eyes. "If I knew this was going to be the topic of conversation I would have stayed back."

"You can go home to your girlfriend whenever you want." They tease. I want to so fucking badly but Olivia is there and I don't really want to be around her. I want to be alone with Maya. It feels as if I haven't been alone with her in forever.
End Of POV

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