sixty two

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Maya's POV
Draco and I went to look for our other friends when we hear Voldemort began to speak to everyone again.

Our marks begin to slightly tingle and the look of panic on our faces, we know what's going on.

"Harry Potter, you have allowed your friends to die for you tonight... that is not very honourable. If you wish to save the rest of your friends, come to the forbidden forest and face me alone. I call back my followers immediately and allow you time to dispose is your dead."

I look to Draco and roll my eyes. He's trying so hard to sound like he isn't the enemy. Everyone knows that it's his fault, not Harry's. Voldemort has some weird vendetta against a boy. He's only seventeen and he's an old guy. He should really get over his insecurities.

We immediately go back to searching for our friends but can't seem to find them anywhere. I see Ginny sitting beside her mother with Fred and George and some of her other brothers. They walked out with Theo... maybe they know where he is.

"Fred..." I say as I walk up to him. "Do you know where Theo went..?"

"Him, Pansy and Blaise took off once we left the room..." Fred says. "I don't know where they went but I saw another girl with them."

"Another girl...?" I say. "Okay thanks anyway."

"Wait-" molly calls just before draco and I walk away. She comes over to me and wraps her arms around me. "Thank you for saving my boy!"

"Oh- um you don't have to thank me..." I awkwardly say.

She smiles weakly and lets go of me. "I'll let you go find your friends."

I have this weird feeling growing in my stomach. Who was this other girl with them? Where are they?

"Draco I have a bad feeling about this."

"It's going to be okay." He says. "They're okay."

But he doesn't know that for sure. There's no way he can know that for sure.

We search the whole grounds before I think of one place they might go.

Back to the Astronomy Tower...

"Draco we need to check the astronomy tower."

He takes my hand and that's where we head. Most people were in the great hall, helping clean up a bit and gathering the dead. Blaise mentioned at the beginning of this that he doesn't think anyone will believe us. It makes sense that they would want to hide. They don't want to be looked at as the bad guys right now.

We climb the stairs and throw open the door so fast that it takes me a minute to see that one of them is laying on the ground.

"Oh shit-" Draco says as he kneels down beside Pansy who is bleeding everywhere. "What happened?"

"I- I couldn't let them kill her. She's innocent." Pansy mumbles.

"Pans save your energy." Blaise cries.

I kneel down beside Draco and take Pansy's hand. That's when I saw her.


"Liv?" I ask. "What are you doing here?"

"Our parents wanted her to fight." Theo says angrily. "Someone was about to kill her when Pansy jumped in front of her..."

"Who was trying to kill her...?" I ask. "Who would do that, she's a child..."

"People don't care about that during a war..." Blaise adds.

"Have you tried healing her?" I ask.

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