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When I got to Snape's classroom, I was the first one there. Awesome. I stand against the wall across from his door and wait for everyone to show up. Chances are Malfoy won't even show up today and I'm really hoping he doesn't. He was in the mood to cause trouble today and got me detention in the process so maybe he won't show up just to piss Snape off.

"I don't need a fucking escort Pansy. I know where the classroom is." I hear Malfoy say to Pansy. They turn the corner and I see her roll her eyes at him.

"Yeah but we both know you'd rather have me here so you're not alone with her." Pansy says as she glances over to me.

"She doesn't smother me so honestly I'd rather be alone with Potter." Malfoy snaps.

I know he's probably just saying it to piss Pansy off but what the fuck?

"Okay what the fuck Malfoy?" Pansy says. "What, does she have you under some kind of love potion?"

Malfoy laughs at Pansy and then stands against the wall beside the door. Pansy then turns to me and glares.

"I wish you were put in Gryffinfor with your stupid fucking brother so you'd leave us alone"

"Maybe that's why I got put in Slytherin, to make your life a living hell." I say with a smirk.

"Well, it's working." She snaps. "Why don't you hangout with the golden trio? Like honestly. Why must you he around us?"

"Pansy shut the fuck up." Malfoy snaps.


"What? You like having her around now?" Pansy asks. The anger in her voice rises.

"No, but Theo does." Malfoy says without looking at either of us.

"Theo's a fucking idiot if he thinks having her around makes any of us happy."

"She's his friend." Malfoy says quietly.

"You know if you don't like me, just don't hang around me." I say to Pansy, completely ignoring Malfoy and his weirdness.

"Why should I be the one to leave when I'm friends with the other guys?"

"Well, I'm getting tired of your bullshit. You act as if we were never friends and treat me like shit. Why? Because Malfoy doesn't like me? You're that desperate that you pushed your only friend away for Malfoy?" I snap. Malfoy looks up for the first time since he stood by the door.

"You are pathetic." Pansy shouts.

"No. I'm not pathetic. I don't leave my friends for some guy who doesn't even care about me."

"Theo doesn't care about you." Pansy shouts.

"Theo is the only person that cares about me." I snap.

"Because everyone else knows you're probably just a spy for the Gryffinfor golden trio" Pansy shouts.


"What does that mean?" I ask.

"We know. We know you and your brother have some plan. You spy on us and get close to us and we tell you stuff, then you go and tell your brother."

That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard...

I don't say anything back.

What am I supposed to say? If I deny it, she won't believe me.

I don't even talk to my brother except for when he wants to tell me how I can't be trusted because I'm Slytherin or when he tells me that we can't hangout over Christmas break because he'd rather spend it with his friends.

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