fifty four

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"Mr.Malfoy and company, what are you doing out of bed this late at night?" Snape asks. His tone of voice almost sounded like he was mocking us in a way but honestly with Snape it's hard to tell.

"We need your help." Draco says calmly, "Maya's arm is- something is wrong."

Snape looks from Draco to me, to the other boys and then back to Draco. After a moment of what seemed like an internal struggle, he nods his head and lets us in his office.

Dumbledore's old office.

"What seems to be the problem?" Snape asks me.

"The mark is uh- irritated and it's burning again." I explain nervously.

"Let me see." He demands.

I nod and roll up my sleeve for the second time tonight. My eyes avoiding that dark spot on my arm yet again.

Snape examines my arm for several minutes and keeps repeating "mhm." as he checks every bump. I swear he's taking forever on purpose. I'm scared and he's taking his sweet ass time. Yet another reason why he's not my favourite teacher.

"Miss Potter, it seems your body is rejecting the mark." He finally says and I look at him completely dumbfounded.

We already put that much together you dumbass, what else is wrong with my fucking arm?

Snape raised an eye brow at me as if he heard my thoughts and smirks.

"Something in your head is refusing to accept that you are a death eater." Snape explains.

Did he hear my thoughts? Can he read minds?

Also, what the fuck am I supposed to do about my arm?

"There isn't much you can do if you aren't going to accept the fact that you are a death eater. Either by choice or not." Snape says.

"So... it's not going to get better?" I ask.

"Not likely." Snape says.

What the fuck?

"I suggest you tell yourself that you are what you are now. You are on the dark lord's side." Snape continues. "You might as well accept that fact."

I am not on his side.

"Yes, I do believe that is the problem." Snape says with an eye roll.

I just stare at him. Draco, Theo and Blaise look confused at that too.

"Can you-" I begin but he nods his head.

"Yes, I can read minds."

"Oh, right. I forgot to mention that." Draco says.

I roll my eyes at him.

"I would prefer if you don't read my mind." I stare.

"Well if you do not wish for me to know your thoughts, or for the dark lord to know your thoughts, I suggest you learn occlumency."

"Why would the dark lord want to read my thoughts?"

"To know where you truly stand." Snape says. "There are plenty of reasons, Maya."

Fuck, one look inside my head and he would definitely know I'm not on his side at all.

"Mr. Malfoy can teach you occlumency, he's quite good at it." Snape says before turning around. "Now if you don't mind, get out."

"What are we supposed to do about her arm tonight?" Draco asks.

"I suggest a healing spell." Snape says, not even turning around.

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