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Maya was running around trying to get Scorpious ready for his first year at Hogwarts while also trying to get their daughter ready for the trip to the train station. Draco was no where to be seen this morning and Maya was worried but also rather pissed off.

"Scorp, hurry up." She shouts at him while getting his trunk down the stairs.

"I'm coming!" He shouts back to his mother.

With the trunk in the car ready to go to the train station and Maya almost having both of the kids ready, Draco finally came home.

"Where have you been?" Maya snaps at Draco but he's just standing there, smirking.

Draco pulls out flowers and chocolate from behind his back.

"I just thought you might need some chocolates and flowers because our son is going off to school."

"You left me here to deal with these little shits while you went off to buy chocolates!"

"You don't want them?" He asks her. "Fine, I'll eat them."

"No. Give them here you little shit head." She snaps at him.

"So where are the kids then?" He asks his wife.

"Up stairs."

"Are they ready?"


Draco laughs and nods his head.

"I'll be back down with both kids in 5 minutes. You get the car ready." He says, leaving a kiss on his wife's cheek before going up stairs to deal with the kids.

Scorpious and Audrey came down a few moments later with Draco, all ready to go. 

"Okay show off." Maya jokes as she takes Audrey's hand and they head to the car.

Draco chose the name Scorpious because the name reminded him of astrology which reminded him of Maya. His star that came and made his whole life brighter. He wanted to make sure his son remembers that even in the darkest moments, there's always light. Maya chose the name Audrey because it means noble strength. She wanted her little girl to grow up with a strong name so that she remembers she's strong on her own.


Scorpious and Audrey were amazed at the sight of the train and all of the people around. Maya smiles to herself because the memory of her first day at the train station was playing back as she watched her two kids.

"I'm going to miss you." Maya says as she hugs her son.

"Mum! Don't embarrass me!" Scorpious whines.

"Love, they're here." Draco whispers to his wife as he points down the train station.

Theo and Hermione with their two children are walking towards Draco and Maya. Theo gives Maya a hug and Draco and him begin talking about something while the kids look around and talk about how excited they are.

Blaise and Olivia joined them not long after that, followed by Fred and Angelina and George and his wife with their children.

Harry and Ginny were the last ones here, of course, and were almost late. Their three children running around. It's James second year but it's Albus' first year. Lily is the same age as Audrey. Our kids are very close because Harry and Maya want their kids to have a close family. Ginny grew up with a close family and Draco never had siblings or cousins he was allowed to know, so it was important for them too.

So there they stood, the Slytherin and Gryffinfors all friends and family with their children, ready to send the next generation off to make their memories and new stories.

Albus, James, Scorpious, Rose, Fred (George's son), Molly (Fred's daughter), and Isla (Blaise daughter) all headed to Hogwarts to start a new chapter in their lives.

The parents were all standing there watching their children get on the train.

"Remember when that was us." Blaise says.

"Yes." Theo says. "We were already friends because our families were and us and Pansy were so excited."

"I remember meeting Harry and Ron here." Hermione says with a smile.

"You were so weird but I'm glad we became friends." Harry says.

"You thought I was weird?" Hermione shouts as she reaches over and slaps him.

"I remember the year later when it was my first time going to Hogwarts and I was so excited. All my brothers went and it was finally my turn." Ginny adds.

"I never went here but I wish I did." Olivia admits.

"Me too." Blaise says and leaves a kiss on her forehead.

"It would have been nice to have my sister here." Theo admits.

"Who knew we'd all be friends after everything that happened at Hogwarts." Maya says.

"I agree." Draco says, leaving a kiss on Maya's cheek.


Ahhh that's the end of the story. Thank you guys so much for reading it and leaving comments and votes! It means so much to me. Let me know what you think :)

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