11 - candles

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chapter eleven


Jimin silently followed Jungkook inside, absently stroking his black silky hair. Aimlessly walking as his mind wandered somewhere else.

Is he out of his mind? Why would he think about being able to kiss someone? A man at that. Was he seriously attracted to Jungkook? But he thought he just wanted him to be his friend. Does he want something more than that? Does he like him already? How was that possible? It hasn't been long since they met! Not even a week yet. Was that what they called love-at-first-sight? No, right? He didn't like him yet when they first saw each other on the airport. But the night that same day, he came to appreciate his looks. This is simply an attraction, right? Does he just acknowledge his looks? Maybe yes. Yes, that's could be it!

He tried to convince himself that he hasn't fallen for Jungkook yet. That it wasn't like nor love. That it wasn't probable.

Jimin flinched when he heard Jungkook's voice from ahead of him. He lifted his gaze and found him near another doorway, maybe a path towards the kitchen.

"Oh fuck, I think I forgot to pay the current bill." Jungkook cussed as he repeatedly pressed the light switch. "You don't have night blindness or fear of darkness, right?"

Jimin shook his head and placed the towel he used on the small center table. Uninvited, he sat on the single sofa as he watched Jungkook kept on ruffling stuff inside the drawer under the television. He frowned and asked, "What are you looking for?"

"A torch..." the man answered, not sparing him a glance.

"We can just light a candle if you have one." Jimin saw how Jungkook's body froze upon hearing the mention of a candle. He stopped what he was doing and flopped on the floor. Worried, Jimin stood up and approached Jungkook. "Hey, why? What happened? Are you okay?"

"No candles, please. I hate candles," he said as his grip on Jimin's arm tightened. "I hate fire." Jungkook's voice was begging, but it sounds full of loathing and rage. His breathing rugged and he sat still. He appeared lost as if he wasn't mentally with Jimin. He was somewhere in the depths of his trance.

Heart pounding in concern, Jimin lightly shakes Jungkook's shoulder, urging him to snap back into reality. "Okay, okay. We won't use a candle. Calm down. Breathe. Jungkook-ah, come back to me."

"Jungkook!" Left with no other choice, he exclaimed, pulling Jungkook for a hug as he did. The man's shoulder started trembling and after a slow, careful stroke on his back, Jungkook broke down. Wrapped around Jimin's warmth, he began crying. "It's okay. It's okay. Shh. It's okay."

For minutes, Jungkook just sobbed. He poured his heart out to someone he barely knew. It's been years, and he'd kept his miseries to himself for so long, that he got used to it being around him. Hindering him. Stopping him from being truly happy. He had no one. No one to talk about this matters with. But now, with this man. Jimin. His boss. He just found himself letting everything out.

"M-my mom and little sister... they died on a fire... 10 years ago... because of a mere candle."

shorter update 'cause I have an exam HAHA

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