19 - run for his life

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chapter nineteen


Crying exhausted Jungkook. His emotions pouring out like a monster freed from years of seclusion tired him out. However, his wails which Jimin thought wouldn't stop, came to an abrupt halt. Confused, Jimin loosened his hold on Jungkook and discovered his eyes were already shut. His ragged breathing slowly evened. Jimin sighed in relief.

"He really fell asleep," Jimin said in a muffled voice.

Carefully, Jimin lay Jungkook on the bed. The sheets were long ago crumpled, he had no chance to fix it anymore since he was holding Jungkook awhile ago. Still, he tried to make sure that the man wouldn’t find the position uncomfortable.

Glancing on the remaining space, he silently shook his head.

Jimin, "Maybe I'd just sleep on the floor. I can't fit in here anymore."

He climbed off the bed, cautious not to wake Jungkook, and re-arranged the mattress Jungkook had fixed awhile back. Jimin switched the lights off, reached for his blanket, and immediately went to bed as well.

Solemn. The night was serene. Rather than the common slow music, his lullaby was the sound of the continuous raindrop, the calm waves of the sea, and the wind bringing in the bird's voices as it comes and goes.

Though full of thoughts, of questions and was in deep confusion, Jimin closed his eyes tight and attempted to sleep. Fortunately, it wasn't long 'til he was finally carried by the comforting dusk.



Jungkook woke up freezing. He sneezed a few times but firmly closed his eyes still, not wanting to get out of his comfortable rest yet. He tossed and turned, hands skimming through every corner of the bed. He didn't stop 'til he eventually spotted the blanket dangling on the edge of the bed, almost falling off completely.

He wrapped the sheet over his body, pulled its edges over his head, and cocooned himself with it. Realizing that he was alone in the bed, the hesitation to get up vanished. He instantly opened his eyes aimlessly wandered his sight around.

"Jimin?" Voice hoarse, he called, but no one answered. Reluctantly, he sat up and forced himself to stand thereafter.

His eyebrows twitched in confusion when he saw the neatly folded blanket and the rolled, averagely thick mattress -- one he prepared for himself last night but ended up on used by Jimin because he suddenly fell asleep -- on the corner of the room.

"Where is he?" he mumbled to himself and proceeded out of the room.

His house isn't that big for him to take a lot of time checking all the rooms. He crossed the living room towards the kitchen and still, Jimin is nowhere. The only place left unchecked was a small resting corner outside of his house. Jungkook had already turned his back when he realized that there was something on the table.

[Good morning! If you read this, meaning I'm outside. If not, then I'm probably with you.

Anyway, eat the breakfast I prepared before you go out and look for me. Okay?


It was a note obviously written by Jimin, pasted beside the meal he prepared for Jungkook.

“Outside? In this weather? The rain is too heavy, what is he possibly doing there?” Jungkook thought, immediately reaching for his thick jacket and going out of the house.

“Fuck. Look at this. Where did that man go? Isn’t he aware that it’s not safe for him to go near the sea especially in this weather?” Jungkook muttered in greeted teeth.

Although annoyed, worry still took over Jungkook. He can’t help but remember the time Jimin almost drowned and he...

“Jim--- JIMIN! WHERE ARE YOU GOING?” Jungkook shouted when he saw Jimin hastily running in the direction of the sea. However, Jimin simply glanced at him over his shoulder and continued to run.


“I SAW A KID GOING THIS WAY JUST A MINUTE AGO, BUT HE SUDDENLY DISAPPEARED!” Jimin yelled back before he jumped to the water and perish along with it.

Jungkook felt like his blood left his body. His heartbeat was faint and cold gradually engulfed him. Fear rapidly crept into his body and utterly struck him that he failed to respond straight away. Only when he saw the wave rushed atop of another, he snapped back. He ran. Fast. Mind in total disarray. He ran as though if he doesn’t, he’ll die.

He jumped to the water aggressively, creating an impact no average person could. Water splashed everywhere. It was chaos. But all Jungkook could think of was, “Jimin... I need to save Jimin.”


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