4 - water balls

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chapter four


Is it wrong to be comfortable around someone who's basically a stranger? Someone who you knew nothing about other than the name, age, and work? Someone you just met? Someone you just got to spend a whole day with? No, right? It's not that bad to be comfortable around Jungkook. I barely know him, but I'm certain he's a good man. We could be good workmates, or maybe friends?

These queries occupied Jimin's mind as he strode back to his room. He finds Jungkook comfortable to be with. He's shy in some ways, but also fun to be with. He always looks nervous when he's with him and maybe it was because he was his boss. Jungkook was obviously trying his best to draw a line between them and somewhat, that doesn't sit well with Jimin. He doesn't like the idea of Jungkook avoiding more personal contact with him other than their employee-employer relationship. And that's what he doesn't understand. He doesn't get the reason why he was thinking and feeling this way.

He never once had a real friend. Almost everyone who approached him was just after his wealth. No one ever gained his genuine trust--- not that someone ever tried to do so. When he was young, people would talk to him because he was known to be the son of the school's principal. It continued until his college years. Adding to it was the fact that his dad was recognized as one of the richest businessmen in their city. It was either they needed help or wanted a favor. They all had their purpose--- reasons that don't include purely befriending Jimin.

And those people were the ones he wanted to get away from. That's why he came here. He chose this branch. One that is away from the city. Away from manipulative and pretentious people. Away from toxicity.

Jungkook--- he just happens to appear at that moment. The time when he was still craving for a real companion, a friend. Someone to talk to. Someone to be with at this unfamiliar, foreign place. Time when he hasn't given up on the idea that he'll one day find this "someone". He felt like Jungkook would possibly be that person, that someone. Was that the reason why he felt this way? Maybe. Nothing's for certain actually.

The comfort and feeling of security were there. He was at ease. He was himself around him. An unexplainable connection despite their age difference... he knew it was present. And he thinks that maybe, just maybe, he finally found someone who won't take him for granted, someone who won't use him for their benefit. He hopes he's not wrong about Jungkook. And he wants it not to be an empty hope.

Jimin's phone beeped, making him stop midway and hesitantly pulling himself out of his daze.

From: Driver/Secretary Jeon
Sir, my work starts at 9 AM, but if you need me before that, feel free to call me.

Driver-slash-Secretary Jeon? Wow. He really saved his phone number this way, huh? He should have just put "Jungkook", that's more friendly. This way of naming really reminds him not to cross his line. Jimin let off a low chuckle and placed his phone back in his pocket.

"Okay Jimin, act like a responsible CEO... not a teenager deprived with a companion," he whispered before he clicked the door open and did his night, before sleep routine.


The wind was cold, Jungkook shivers as it blows. He felt the little trembles of his body and the freezing breeze fanning his skin. He was sitting on the shore, waiting for the sun to rise as he played with the water. It's just five in the morning, too early for work, but he had no choice. He couldn't go back to sleep because of a vision that keeps him awake when this time of the year comes around. He couldn't escape it. It was like a memory trying its best to resurface--- making himself feel the same pain, the familiar misery, remembering the regrets... mistakes and resentments.

"Damn it. I've been doing this for months now and I still can't perfect it," Jungkook grumbled words to himself as he twirls his hand. The water keeps falling back on the sea though how much he tries to lift it. He can't do it with a small amount of water, what more with this one? An ocean? He could just dream.

Tired of trying, he ended up making simple tricks. He passed the time by forming small water balls, then throwing it back on the sea. He did it until he got bored.

It was already seven when he decided to go. He got rid of the dirt that managed to creep on the back of his clothes and walked back to his house.

Sighing, he mumbled, "A new day for you Jungkook. A day for a new struggle."

His phone then vibrated and he stopped to check it.

Jimin? Is it him? Wait.

He hurriedly reached for it and heaved a sigh of disappointment when he saw it was just his alarm.

"Did Jimin sleep well, though? I hope he did. He's not yet familiar with this place but I wish he got to cope well. I better go and see for myself," Jungkook said and ran back to his house and immediately prepared himself for work.


This chapter is dedicated to shanleykaterelacion. Thank you for reading!

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