10 - his absence

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chapter ten


"No, Jimin. Remember what happened yesterday. The water wall. The waves. And look at me. I may appear like any other human but I'm... you see, I'm capable of controlling water. I'm bound with water, Jimin. An element."

Jimin just looked at Jungkook, unable to grasp all the information he just dropped. He was confused but more than that he was dumbfounded. Is he telling the truth? How could that be possible? An element? What? He doesn't even know whether he'll believe it or not.

"What are you talking about? If you don't want to be friends with me, you could just simply say it. Why bother telling me such nonsense just so you could push me away?" He saw Jungkook's expression changed, and he suddenly felt guilty of speaking that way to him. It wasn't what he wanted to say, but what can he do? He couldn't acknowledge what Jungkook just revealed.

"It's fine if you don't believe it. I'm not forcing you anyway. But don't think that I'm telling you these because I don't want us to be friends. Like I told you, this is my first time. You'll be the first friend I'll ever have in 24 years. That's why I'm being truthful. I am honestly telling you who and what I am. Take it. Leave it. It'll be your choice." He sadly smiled and turned his back, walking away from Jimin as he continued, "Good night, Sir. I'll be on my way now."

Jungkook didn't bother looking back as he went. Jimin who was still baffled chose not to press Jungkook for answers and just went back to the hotel. He tried to sleep. Close his eyes and stop thinking about what happened a while back, but he just couldn't. He sat on his bed and reached for a pillow to cuddle. He tried to remember what happened before he almost drowned, however, everything was vague. He was too occupied with how will he survive at that moment that he couldn't remember everything no matter how he tries.

A water wall... suddenly appearing and... falling back into the sea... water wall?

'It wasn't a natural occurrence? Damn. How? How could that be natural, Jimin? Are you dumb? The water literally moved on its own and all you could do was be amazed and end up almost dying. Stupid!'

He slept thinking about whether he'll believe Jungkook or not. Though there wasn't clear proof, something that would prove that it was Jungkook who did that trick, he wanted to trust him. He wanted to trust Jungkook. He'd try to come to terms with this matter, until then, he'll avoid opening this topic when they're together. Unless otherwise, Jungkook initiates the conversation.


Jimin woke up feeling the cold coming in from the slightly opened window of his room. He heard the sound of rainfall. Slow, calm, faint. It was like a low whisper of a symphony. Music.

He pulled his blanket closer, feeling a bit more sleepy. But his alarm clock rang a few minutes after he closed his eyes. It's time to work again, and unlike yesterday that he dealt with papers, he'll now have a tour inside the hotel and check everything personally. Since Jungkook was his assistant and he knew the place well, he wanted him to be his guide. But before he could even ask Jungkook, he received a message from him saying he couldn't come to work because he's not feeling well.

It was obviously an excuse. He was trying to avoid him. Jimin was aware, but he still gave Jungkook a 1 day leave. If he still doesn't come to work tomorrow... Jimin wouldn't have any other choice but do the first move.

And Jungkook really didn't...


Jimin didn't expect it'd suddenly rain. He didn't bring anything with him other than his phone and wallet. Now, he had to run under the cold raindrops. Fortunately, Jungkook's home wasn't too far. It only took him a few minutes to reach his place. He knocked thrice and waited for someone to open the door. Is he living alone?

"Sir! What brings you here? It's raining! You're soaked!" Jungkook exclaimed in worry. His eyes fixed on the man standing on his front door, all wet from head to toe, shivering as he hugged himself. Jungkook shook his head and drew a deep breath before he held the smaller man by the arm and did a slight tug as if implying that he should follow. Left with no other choice, Jimin turned and walked behind Jungkook.

Arms crossed and palms continuously rubbing on it to ease the frosting, Jimin talked, explaining the reason behind his sudden visit. "I only gave you 1 day, and you haven't come to work yet. Why? Are you ignoring me? Did I do something wrong? Are you mad because I didn't believe you?"

"Of course not," Jungkook answered, sounding too soft for a man looking this domineering. He placed a towel on top of Jimin's head and gently tousled it over his hair. Jimin just stood there watching and allowing Jungkook to do what he wanted rather than snatching away the towel and drying his hair himself.

Close. They were standing too close to each other, but none of them mind. They have crossed the proximity rule, and that's fine. Jimin could smell the manly scent from the man in front of him. See him closely and look at his flawlessly sculpted features. Those naturally thin, pink lips, his nose, his dark, mysterious yet alluring eyes... and his brows, found on the most perfect place. Why is he noticing these just now? Is Jungkook this naturally gorgeous? Why did he not see this earlier? These were the question running on Jimin's mind as he stared at Jungkook. When he realized what he was doing, he mentally reprimanded himself. He blinked once; thrice when he still couldn't recover by the second and almost cursed himself for thinking that he could just tip his toe a bit and he'd be able to press his lips against Jungkook's.

Blushing, "I'll do it," he said as he reluctantly stepped back. There. A few inches of space.

'What just happened? What am I thinking?'


Hello guys! It took me 5 days. Huhu. Sorry if I get to update this story late, I had a lot of things to do for school so I don't have much time. Still, hope u'll like it. 

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