Chapter Thirty-Perfect

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After the meeting with everyone, the stories that were told, the agreements made and broken, it takes us days to get back home to Velaris. The instant we appear in that beautiful townhouse and breathe in the many scents that accompany it; I know it was worth it. All the blood, sweat, tears, all of it was worth it just to have this. We stand there together and alongside the joy of being back, being home, there's a strangeness to it as well. We'd known battlefields for so long. It will take all of us time to learn how to relax again.

"I suppose I will have to eat real food now." Amren breaks the silence and sounds rather disgruntled at the fact.

"A monumental sacrifice." Cassian quips and my lips lift a bit at the vulgar gesture she gifts him in return. Then her silver eyes slide to Nesta and my almost smile vanishes. She'd been neglecting herself and the actions are eerily familiar to me.

"I'm surprised you didn't take the king's head back to have stuffed and hung on your wall." She tells her, but Nesta only looks to her. Mor tsks.

"Some would consider that joke to be in bad taste, Amren."

"I saved your asses. I'm entitled to say what I want." She states before turning on her heel and marching out the door to wreak havoc on the city.

"The new Amren is even crankier than the old one." A small voice says and my eyes widen at Elain before we all burst into laughter. It's a treat to see her grin as well, but Nesta is a notable exception. I'd have to keep an eye on her.

"Come on," Mor says, hooking her arm around Azriel and Cassian before leading them into the sitting room. Az's face is smooth, but I feel his surprise and pleasure at the open expression of affection from her after everything. I do my best to suppress my smile. "We need a drink."

"We're opening the fancy bottles," Cassian calls over his shoulder to Rhys while I follow, shaking my head.

"Save a bit for me at least." He pleads. "And no hounds on the furniture."

"Not a great chance of either of those things happening." I shoot back and Cassian sticks his tongue out at me as he settles into a chair since he's still healing.

"I can share." He defends and Mor snorts.

"Since when?" She asks and I answer while his mouth opens.

"Oh, I did hear he finally passed the first level of schooling," I report and her eyes brighten while Azriel slides a hand over his mouth to hold in a laugh.

"Aw, Cass, why didn't you say so! We would have had a party!" Mor exclaims and presses a kiss to his cheek while he pouts.

"You all are smartasses." He grumbles and now we all laugh before I shove two bottles of amber into his hands while Az rubs his temples.

"There. Cheer up, shaggy pup." My hand musses his hair while Mor almost collapses in a fit of giggles at the outrage on his face. Feyre joins in as she and Elain float into the room while the men flow out to retrieve Rhysand. Shadow is twirling around my feet, apparently deciding that he likes being inside with the group. His mother is more cautious; sniffing every corner with a careful glance at me and her pup every few seconds. Mor gives us all glasses, even Elain, and when she takes a sip it instantly comes back out her nose. Feyre laughs first, then we all join in until I've laughed so much my sides hurt.

"Boys! We want a spread of food!" Mor shouts between giggles. "An impressive one! With extra bread!" She adds and we all giggle again before we clink our glasses together, then take a drink. The men return and Mor instantly complains about the lack of a food tray, but my eyes catch on the emotion in Azriel's eyes. He settles down into one of the couches and everyone else seems to fade as we stare at one another.

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