Chapter Nineteen-Hedge Your Bets

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Everyone else takes their seats and I find myself between Rhysand and two of Helion's entourage, then the High Lord himself whose stare is split between Nesta, Feyre, and myself. Those who were Made. Azriel sits almost on the other side of our group so the Shadowsingers bookend our court. Grand, menacing, a promise of unity and violence. Meanwhile, Viviane entertains us all with the story of she and Kallias while we wait for the others.

"Tell me, how exactly are you related to Rhysand?" Helion speaks to me directly, but I feel Rhys' attention shift from Viviane's salacious account.

"Distantly." I answer and fearlessly meet his golden gaze. "But we could be siblings given our mutual affection and mounting disdain for one another." Helion rumbles with a soft chuckle and I can practically feel Rhys's surprise at my words, then pleasure. It isn't lost on me that he and Cassian both name me little sister and since learning of the loss of his own, I know he's gifted me an honor with the name.

"Hm, the relation explains how you could have so much power at your disposal, but I'll admit I'm curious about the true extent." His voice is a low purr, a lure to draw in unsuspecting prey. He should know that I'm a predator in my own right.

"Careful what you wish for." I coo gently. "I'd hate to give you nightmares." The soldier from his group shivers next to me and the corner of my mouth quirks up. Helion leans forward slightly in his chair before Thesan grabs our attention.

"Tarquin is here." He says simply and I feel my group stiffen slightly. Things weren't exactly smooth the last time we saw him.

"Heard about the blood rubies." Helion says as his eyes slide from me to Rhys. "That's a story I want you to tell." Rhys waves an idle hand.

"All in good time." He assures the man before his eyes return to the doorway along with everyone else's. The High Lord of the Summer Court steps into the room and we all take a breath. Two are with him; Amren's...friend, Varian, and Cresseida. We're ignored even as introductions are made, then everyone settles once again before Autumn arrives. Beron, the High Lord, and all his sons. Rage is already clanging through me when I see Mor's smile vanish. Cold anger brushes against my burning and I'm assured by Azriel that while our outrage is justified, this isn't the place to take revenge. Not now.

They enter the room and I appraise each of them since I'd never met any, but have only heard of them through stories. None of them flattering. The High Lord doesn't degrade himself by looking at anyone other than the other High Lords, but his sons leer at all of us like foolish lion cubs growling at a roaring river. Unaware that should they take a step wrong, then they'll drown. "Enough." Eris, the male that Mor so desperately tried to avoid, calls them off and they listen. It's all I can do to calm the fire in me.

"It's no surprise that you're tardy, given that your own sons were too slow to catch my mate. I suppose it runs in the family." Rhys says smoothly and I'm slightly soothed by his careful humor. If Rhys is at ease, then I can be too.

"Mate—and High Lady." Beron sneers and my shadows tremble with the desire to see what the oldest of us is afraid of. I wonder if so many years culminate many fears or if it loses its sting after living so long. My eyes snap back to Eris when he looks to Mor even though her face is smooth and bored. I don't insult her by growling at him, but my shadows flare just enough to catch his eye and hold it as I stare at him. They all sit and my eyes only break from Eris when a shadow curls around my ear.

"Spring approaches." They whisper and I stiffen. Rhysand's attention turns to me and I quickly open a slice of my mind to him even as the others begin to speak.

"What is it?" He asks instantly.

"Tamlin—" I respond just in time for the traitorous bastard to appear in a flash. Rhys rescinds his mind from mine as the shields around us are reinforced as my court schools their faces into cool indifference, distaste, or boredom. I do no such thing. No, I allow murder to fill my eyes and wrath to fill my mouth, let it calm me, soothe me, along with the knowledge that should he make one wrong move then I will parade his greatest fears in front of him like a puppet show.

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