Wait, The Final?

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"Woah, Tenten" Lee yelled in surprise as he just nearly blocked an almost damaging kick from the woman.

"Keep going, Lee!" Tenten hissed adding more power behind her movements sparing with the man.

Just as Lee was about to go back into offense when the brunette hit him right in the face. This caused him to lose his balance and land on the mat.

Tenten was out of breath but waved her hand upward at him "come on Lee, get up. I am not done yet."

Sweat was rolling down his face "I truly love to see this passion, but I do worry that your energy is much too negative to be fighting with a clear head. I feel that it would not be an equal match to finish.

She just rolled her eyes.

"I agree with Lee!" Her father added in as he stood at the other side of the mat.

Guy then pulled out his phone "Why dont I call Neji, maybe the two of you could work this out."

Just as he was about to call a boxing glove flew across the room knocking the phone out of his hand.

This surprised everyone in the gym as they stare at the angered woman.

Tenten looked down in slight embarrassment "I'm sorry, it is just that I made my choice and this is how it has to be." She then put her hand out to help up the bushy brow man "so can we please just continue because Neji is the last person I want to be talking about right now."

Lee takes her hand with a sad face "I do not wish to see my friends like this but if that is your wish I will respect it!"

She smiled lightly "thank you"

"But I think I should also tell you that Neji is right behind you." He added with a smile and she froze.

She slowly turned around to see a brown-haired man next to her father with his arms crossed. She lost her breath for a moment as her eyes meet with his but she had to pull away to avoid those feelings deep in her.

Tenten quickly turned her back on him as she fixed the white wrapping around her hands "What are you doing here?"

He made his way onto the mat as her back was still facing him. "I am here for you."

She quickly turned now looking at the man in front of her with anger in her eyes.

Toa coughed "Guy, Lee! Why dont I help you pull the stuff out for the Karate class tomorrow?" He then ushered the two men off the the distance but they stayed in earshot.

"Tenten, Please," Neji said getting her attention back on him.

She backed away slightly "dont make this harder than it already is!"

"Wait, let me explain!" he said reaching out to grab her hand.

As if on instinct Tenten grabbed his hand with all her might and flipped him over her shoulders. He was caught off guard looking up at the beauty who was still full of anger. He knew the only way to get her to listen.

Just as she was about to walk off the mat Neji swung his legs across catching her feet. This caused her to lose her footing and land face-first.

Tenten shot him a serious look just as the two of them got up from the ground and got up in fighting stances.

"Asshole!" she spat running at the man with all her energy.

Neji blocked her attack with ease but she continues to fight back. Soon the spare looked more like an intense dance, but with kicks and jabs. Just as her fist flew past his face he was able to grab her wrist and wrap it behind her back where she was unable to move. He then leaned in "You know what Tenten, I should be the one mad at you. You are the one that turned down my marriage proposal."

Wait, my Boyfriend is Rich? (Naruto AU)Where stories live. Discover now