Wait, Chapter 3?

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"Welcome to heaven on earth!" Naruto yelled in excitement as they walk up to a small restaurant near a crowded street. "This is Ichiraku Ramen, Tenten"

Tenten closed her eyes taking in the smells of the traditional Japanese Ramen shop "There is no place like this in New York." she said aloud.

"There is nothing in the world like this," The blonde expressed to the foreigner.

The group makes their way into the small area taking a seat at the bar-like restaurant. Naruto at the end, Hinata next to him and Neji taking a seat on the right side of Tenten.

"Naruto, Hinata! Welcome" A woman with short brown hair in her late thirties said with joy. She then looked over at the other Hyuga with them "Oh, Neji! Welcome back, it is so good to see you!"

She quickly turned around to the man cooking the back "Father look who is with Naruto and Hinata"

An older man popped his head out "Neji Hyuga! Welcome" he had a huge smile and saw the brunette woman pop from behind the "and who may you be?"

She smiled at the father, daughter duo "I'm Tenten, Neji's girlfriend"

Hinata giggled out loud causing Neji to turn slightly pink.

The two workers stopped looking shocked but soon turned into large smiles. The older man then moved next to his daughter "Well in celebration of you two getting married and Neji letting us meet a girl, dinner is on us!"

"Oh, no we can't," Hinata said politely while Naruto yelled "YES!" at the same time.

The older man's face then turned serious and he pointed at the blonde with his ladder "Only one bowl for you!"

"Oh come on!" he yelled pouting but Hinata was there to comfort him.

Tenten laughed at the interaction then looked over at her boyfriend on the right who was trying to ignore everything around him as he looked at his phone. She leaned in closer hitting her shoulder with his "Soooo, you have never brought a girlfriend to your childhood ramen shop?" she laughed.

He slightly lifted his nose up "It's not, Hinata was always the one to drag me here because she wanted to see Naruto when were kids."

"Neji!" Hinata said as if she was scolding him but her voice was too soft.

Tenten looked over at the beauty "Wait, you and Naruto have been together since you were kids?"

Naruto coughs scratching the back of his head "Ummm, not exactly." 

Hinata was slightly red and smiled "We have only been together for a few years but friends for almost our whole life."

Naruto leaned closer to his fiance "I still can't believe it took me so long to notice your feeling, I was such an idiot"

"you still are," Neji said in a monotone voice-only looking at his phone.

Hinata laughed ignoring her cousin's comment "But you did notice me" She lifted up her hand to examine the simple diamond ring with a smile on her face.

Tenten watched the cute couple "You two are so adorable!" she gushed

Just then their food came out. Tenten was in awe of the smell and excited that this will be her first meal in Japan.

Naruto, Hinata, and Tenten start to talk casually throughout the meal with lots of laughter, stories, and good food. Neji would only chime in to defend himself or correct someone when they were telling the story wrong. But overall they were enjoying each other's company including Neji.

Wait, my Boyfriend is Rich? (Naruto AU)Where stories live. Discover now