Wait Chapter 6?

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"Oh my god! Neji. I can't believe I just did that!" Tenten said frantically as they walked into the bar area.

"It's fine, no one even noticed." He said calmly as he reached over picking up two glasses of red wine from the bartender.

"Neji, I mistook your former piano teacher for your grandfather." She then moved her hand accidentally hitting the glass causing it to spill onto Neji's suite.

Tenten's eyes widened at the complete mess she made "Oh my god! I am so sorry"

Neji grabbed her by the shoulders ignoring the now stained top "it's okay"

She took a breath feeling his calm demeanor make her nerves go away for just a moment. Once the Hyuga got her to relax for a bit he then looked at the bartender and asked for a napkin to clean up.

"Neji, go get changed you look awful, I will keep her company for you."

Tenten looks up to see a tall confident woman with long blonde hair tied up holding a napkin. She was wearing a gold satin maxi dress with the scoop back that showed her slim figure off perfectly.

Neji graciously took the napkin "Thank you Ino." He then looked back at his girlfriend "I will be back but you are in great hands." He then paused thinking about how unpredictable the blonde is "actually Tenten why dont we-"

"It's okay, you go" his girlfriend smiled looking up at him.

He thought for a moment then nodded before taking his leave to change into something else. Tenten sighed aloud watched till he left then focused on the beautiful blonde woman "hi, I am Tenten."

Ino smirked, "Oh, I know!"

"Tenten!" Temari came into the area with curiosity in her eyes "I head you thought the music teacher was his grandfather?"

She nodded her head wanting so desperately to go hide for the rest of the night.Temari just shook her head while Ino started to chuckle a bit.

"Dont worry about it" Ino added in "On the bright side you are the talk of the party! I mean you look damn good."

Temari smirked beaming with pride "I know right! I did that"

Ino was impressed "Damn Temari, now that you are dating my best friend that makes us sisters..... and sister share clothes. I mean I have been trying to set up a double date with us but Shikamaru says you are too busy."

Temari rolled her eyes "I think he just doesn't want us to get close and gang-up on him."Ino laughed "Yeah, no that will happen."

The two continue to talk and exchanged numbers forgetting about the outsider.

"So, Ino what do you do?" Tenten said getting their attention.

"oh, my family owns the Yamanaka flowers and gardening company. We do a lot of landscaping consulting for businesses and homes. We even sell flower arrangments for weddings and big events such as this one." She points around to all the gorgeous flower arrangments that really blended well within the space.

Tentens eyes widen "wait, you did all this?"

Ino was gleaming with pride "yes, well... I had a team but I designed it all, we also are providing flowers for the wedding."

"What's going on over here?" a skeptical yet lazy voice said from behind the women.

Tenten looked up to see three men, two of whom she saw earlier with Temari when they got there but the other pale man was new.

Ino rolled her eyes in annoyance "Temari and I are bonding with Tenten..... you got a problem with that?" glaring at Temari's boyfriend then made her way over to the pale man kissing him on the cheek. "hey babe" she said now in a loving tone.

Wait, my Boyfriend is Rich? (Naruto AU)Where stories live. Discover now