Wait, Chapter 9

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I am back!!! Hope everyone is having a great week! Please vote or comment on this chapter if you like it! You guys are the best!

P.S don't you guys think this dress is crazy similar to the one Racheal Cho wore in the movie. I mean it's not the exact same but kind of close :) Do not own the picture above. 


"Wait, he said that to you?" Temari said as the two of them were sitting drinking morning coffee outside of a french style cafe.

Tenten nodded drinking her coffee "Yeah, I felt like I wanted to cry and puke all at the same time."

"damn, this is like something out of a movie."

"That's what I said!" Tenten throws her head back in frustration.

Temari laughed lightly "You know, I bet if you told him you would leave Neji for a million dollars he would write that check. They do that shit around here, honestly."

Tenten rolled her eyes "you know what really gets me is that he looked at me as if I was nothing."

"Did you talk to Neji about this?"

She shook her head "I didn't tell him. He was having such a good time with his family and on top of the whole thing at the bachelorette party, there was no need to cause more stress." She took another drink before continuing "Plus his uncle is like a father to him... I dont know, this is his family and I dont want to cause any type of wedge between them. What should I do?"

"asked for that check?" Temari said taking a sip of her coffee.

"I am serious Temari!"

"Okay, has his grandfather said anything to you? Like does he hate your guts as well?"

"No" she smiled lightly "He actually said I had a nice face"

"Well, that good! Hiashi can hate you all day long but you can't beat 2,000 years of Japanese filial piety"

Tenten put her hand on her cheek "I feel like I shouldn't even go to the wedding tomorrow. It's Hinata and Naruto's big day! I dont want to cause any drama there. I mean you and the other girls are bridesmaids, I don't really know anyone else so... I dont know, maybe I will tell Neji I have food poisoning or something."

She looked up to see Temari glaring at her with her arms crossed over her chest.


Temari shook her head "That's bullshit Tenten. You are just scared."

"no, I'm not" she argued back quietly.

"What the hell happened to the strong, bad-ass roommate of mine! I mean nothing scared you in college. When someone said you couldn't do something you did everything in your power to prove them wrong. Hell, at an archery tournament you almost shot that one guy in the balls just for saying you looked like a boy" She laughed loudly "You then told him that you could make him look like a girl."

The brunette chuckled thinking about the fear on that asshole's face when she told him that her missing was not a mistake and that she had more bows than that. "That was different... my actions and what I did, didn't affect the person I love."

The blonde woman sighed "listen, for this to work you dont need to worry about Hiashi liking you. It's all about getting him to respect you. Right now, he thinks you're some undeserving, clueless, gold-diggin-"

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