Wait, Chapter 10?

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Large and colorful fireworks shot off in the dark sky as many of the guests laughed and danced their way through the night. The reception was being held on the rooftop of the Hyuga corps building, one of the highest buildings in all of Konoha.

"You look spectacular, you know that?" Neji said to Tenten as he stood behind her with his arms wrapped around her waist.

Tenten smiled as she watched Hinata, who was now in a more simple white dress dancing to the upbeat music with her now-husband. She then turned, to look up at her boyfriend "of course I look spectacular! I am wearing something other than sweatpants or workout clothes." She laughed.

Neji smiled "It's not just the clothes. It's you."

Just as the two were about to lean in for a kiss Tenten was pulled from his arms.

"Sorry I am stealing her to dance with us!" Hinata yelled with Ino and Sakura also pulling the laughing brunette away.

Neji shook his head but smiled that with such a hard week, she was able to make such good friends. He continued to watch Tenten dance around with the girls like no one was watching.

"Brother!" an energetic blonde walked up with a large grin on his face and arms out wide. Sasuke was not far behind holding a beer.

As soon as Naruto got closer, Neji jabbed the man in his stomach causing him to fall over.

"Damn it!" Naruto yelled out in pain while Sasuke could help but chuckle at his misery.

Neji held a stern look "you better take good care of her." 

Naruto straightens up, holding strong eye contact with his new brother in law "I will work hard to give back all the joy she has given me and more" he then looks over at his new wife with a slight smile watching her enjoy herself "I dont deserve her honestly"

"You dont" Neji then looked at the blonde "But of anyone to marry Hinata, I am glad it was you."

Naruto grinned largely pulling out his phone "say it again! I need proof that you just admitted to liking me!"  

Neji turned away from the blonde "you still have a long road ahead full of mess ups so dont get cocky about it!"

The blonde continued to whine as the Hyuga sees a tall young man with brown hair spinning Hanabi around the dance floor.

"Who the hell is that?" Neji said with annoyance.

"Looks to be little Hyuga's new boyfriend," Sasuke said while taking a drink of his beer.

Naruto jumped in "yeah, Konohamaru is also from Konoha so Hanabi invited him as her date. He is a good kid Neji, I swear he will be on his best behavoir."

As if on queue the young couple locked lips for a few moments before Konohamru whispered something in her ear. This made her laugh and she quickly grabbed his hand pulling him away from the crowd.

"Naruto," Neji said in a soft yet menacing tone. He then turned to the blonde pointing at the couple trying to sneak off for the night "take care of that now."

Naruto nodded his head in annoyance because he just stuck up for the kid.

Neji and Sasuke watched as the blonde marched over and quickly pulled Konohamaru by the collar while lecturing him.

Hanabi was confused as to why her boyfriend was being dragged away till she looked over to see Neji smirking. She folded her arms over her dress, pouting with eyes full of anger.

Her eldest cousin just shrugged with his victory smirk causing her to stomp off in anger.

"I hope to never have a daughter," Sasuke said shaking his head.

Wait, my Boyfriend is Rich? (Naruto AU)Where stories live. Discover now