Chapter 52

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Seven months of blessed freedom. I took us someplace new every day as I learned my new

neighbourhood and just enjoyed the fact that I didn't need permission to go someplace. The

security detail made their presence known at the penthouse but once in public they magically

disappeared. I knew they were there, but they gave me my space to just be and that's just what I 


After the first night when I danced into the penthouse in Montreal, I then held Irena and cried. I

didn't know if it was tears of joy or something else. I just knew I needed a good cry, and I did just

that. As I cooked my first meal, I remembered my time as a servant, and I was actually glad I 

learned some skills to take care of myself.

Nora arrived two days later. Mila was probably angry I didn't choose her, but I had already

promised Nora and I couldn't sleep knowing she was that close to Vlad. I need not worry

because after she arrived, she told me Vlad hadn't been at the palace since I left. And with that, I 

put him from my mind.

Discovering Wi-Fi and being on the internet was truly a wonderful experience. I had an office

with a Macbook pro, an iPad and an iPhone. Everything was connected to each other and my

phone was a smartphone and boy was it smart. So was the thing called Alexa. It had answers to

all my questions, and it controlled the appliances for the penthouse. After seeing all this, I felt

like I was living in a cave.

Ironically if I didn't want to leave, I didn't have to. I could do everything from my computer, iPad

or smartphone. I searched recipes and signed up for an online computer course. I could even

work from home offering my legal knowledge for money. So, while I brushed up on my Microsoft 

Office skills, I tested my typing speed, formatted my resume and created a few accounts. Not on

social media though, I knew that was pushing my luck.

Nora helped me with all this, and I was surprised to know she was so tech-savvy. Apparently, she

was training for a secretarial post before she came to Russia. I reminded her that now she was

free she could do as she pleased but Nora just laughed bitterly and changed the subject. All in

all, she was great company, and I gave her privileges as a roommate and not my maid.

That arrangement suited us both just fine until she dressed up one night and told me she was

going out.

"You're going out?" I repeated, stupidly.

"Yes...only if you don't want me to..."

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