chapter 9

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Hi guys sorry that it has taken me so long to write the next chapter. I have been busy with school work and family events but I promise to upload more often over winter break which is coming up for me. But anyways i hope you guys enjoy!! Also Happy Birthday Ian <3


After I hung up the phone and walked to the kitchen to get breakfast where I walked in on Paul standing shirtless making coffee.

"Hey Nina whats up?"

"Um nothing much and you do realize that you're standing shirtless in a kitchen while there is a baby sleeping less than 30 ft away from you right?"

"Eh I normally don't wear a shirt and you have no excuse to be uncomfortable we used to get payed to have full on sex scenes."

"You're right but still shirt on por favor." We then started laughing. I felt guilty for laughing while also knowing that Ian was in pain. At that moment Paul came back this time with a shirt "Oh I almost forgot to tell you but I talked to Ian this morning."
"So what did he say? Is Nikki going to be ok?"

"It's not looking good. She is currently in a coma and if she doesn't wake up in 12 hours and there is no new brain activity then they will call it. Ian asked if we could bring over Bodhi once she wakes up so he can explain what is happening and to say goodbye." I felt tears in my eyes, I hated what was happening to Ian and Nikki. They were good people who didn't deserve any of this to happen to them. The worst was that they had a family, a gorgeous girl who didn't deserve the last moments of her mother to be in a hospital.

Bodhi woke up after 3 hours and during those 3 hours I answered some emails regarding future projects that I was planning to work on. I also called my boyfriend who is coming home from a month-long snowboarding training trip in Europe next week and I am so excited to see him. I then got her breakfast ready and then Bodhi and I left for the hospital. Paul was going to come by a little later after he picked up Nikki's and Ian's family from the airport.


The clock read 1:20 am and I couldn't sleep. Last night's events kept playing on repeat over and over in my brain like it was on a never ending loop. The police showing up, saying goodbye to Bodhi, and the worst part by far, the doctors telling me that there was a 10% chance that Nikki would have minimal brain damage. The doctor said that the way that the other car hit her caused her to not only hit the dashboard but cause the airbags to not deflate. They said that since Nikki had previous health conditions that she didn't know about, it was harder for them to stop the bleeding causing there to be more damage than if she was in optimal health. The last words I remember the doctor telling me before I started to tune them out was that if she didn't wake up till 11:17 pm that they would have to take her off life support since she had signed a DNR years ago when she was having her complications with Bodhi.

Tonight was the first time in a while that I cried myself to sleep. I wished that my daughter could be there with me but I didn't want to emotionally scar her for the rest of her life. She would already be going through so much if Nikki did end up... I pulled myself away from those thoughts, I couldn't be thinking about the worse. I had to pray that she would be ok and that me and her would grow old together. With that I drifted off into a restless sleep constantly waking up, worried that if I stayed asleep too long I would miss saying goodbye to Nikki.

At around 3:30 I was pulled away from my computer screen by the sound of little feet running across the room towards me.


"Hi princess! Daddy missed you so much! Did you have a good night with Nina and Uncle Paul?"

"Yes, Nina is really nice but I missed you and mommy." After that I paused hopefully she didn't pick up on my emotions, she may only be three but she has a knack for knowing when someone is sad.

"What's wrong daddy?" well crap she figured it out "where's mommy?"

"Bodhi sweetie Mommy got into an accident."

"Is Mommy going to die?" she asked and I could see her adorable, striking blue eyes, start to fill up with tears.

"Mommy may die" and then I could see the tears start to fall.

"But you can save her right, you always said that you would protect us so why can't you protect Mommy?"

"It doesn't work like that sweetie, I'm sorry there isn't anything I can do and the doctors are trying to do everything they can but Mommy's brain got hurt and the doctors can't do anything." At this part Bodhi had tears streaming down her face but instead of running away like she normally does when she is upset she put her head into my chest and I just pulled her closer.

We stayed there for about 20 minutes just Bodhi laying in my arms and me holding her close to me while brushing my hand through her hair. We were interrupted when my mom and dad along with Nikki's parents came in. Paul said he was going to be bringing them by and would take Bodhi so she didn't have to witness them pulling the plug.

"Hey Bodhi, you're going to go with Uncle Paul for a bit, maybe go get ice cream or something but first why don't you say hi to your grandparents." Bodhi ran over to her grandparents as I took a moment to recollect myself before greeting my in-laws and parents.

The next few hours went by in a blur. Bodhi came back for dinner and to say goodbye to her Mom, the doctors were fairly certain that she would not wake up before 11. Bodhi was crying as I walked her back out to go home with Nina and Paul.

It was time.

The clock read 11:16 and I could feel my heart start beating faster and faster as my prayers for Nikki to wake up grew more urgent by the second. I can't let her go. Not yet not ever. I can't do this without her. At that moment a group of doctors came in and asked me to say my final goodbyes before leaving.

"Nikki please if there is any other time where I have needed you most it is now. Please you have a daughter who needs you just please wake up. I love you so much Nikki just please wake up so you can tell me you love me as well."

"Im sorry sir but we need you to clear the room now."


"Sir i'm going to need you to calm down. I know that this is a difficult time for you but I am just trying to do my job."

"I'm sorry but please just 5 more minutes."

"Ian" I heard a voice from the door, it was Nina. What was she doing here? "Come on Ian, I'm sorry." I stood up from the floor and walked over to her. She proceeded to give me a hug as I felt the tears fall from my eyes. I had to sign some papers but after that Nina walked me to my car.

"Hey Ian, I'm sorry about your wife. No one should have to go through what you went through today and remember if you need anything I am just one call away."

"Thank you Nina it means a lot to me." and with that I drove home to the house I used to share with my wife.

As I walked into my bedroom I was hit with a wave of memories coming back to me of Nikki and Ian. That was my breaking point. Up until now I had managed to keep it together for the most part but now I couldn't. I just fell to the ground crying until I fell asleep on the cold hard ground. 

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