chapter 2

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Lol so like no one is reading this but i'm still gonna post chapter 2 cuz im bored 

*Nina POV*

When I saw the number on the screen my heart and stomach did a somersault. After TVD ended I had deleted his number from my phone but I still had his number memorized by heart. But I thought he changed it when he got a new phone after his old number was leaked to the media two years ago. I obviously didn't have that number since we haven't talked since then but still why would he call me? And from his old phone? What did he want to talk about that required calling me 3 times and for him to use his old phone?

*Ian POV*


My phone was blowing up with messages from Paul but I currently was on baby duty and didn't have a free hand to spare to check my phone. Once I had put down my precious little girl for a nap I checked my phone. There was a long string of messages and a couple of them were paragraphs long. What could be so urgent for Paul to constantly message me. I knew i should start cleaning up the house so when Nikki got home it would be nice for her but curiosity got the best of me.

Paul: Hey was talking to Nina today. Your name came up a couple of times and I'm not sure but I'm pretty positive that her mood changed once I started talking about our bourbon company.

Paul: Now thinking about it it probably was nothing sorry to bother you.

Paul: But maybe.....

Paul: Wait nevermind

What was Paul going to say?

Ian: Wait slow down.

Ian: Call me when you get this I have some questions

*Incoming call from Paul Wesley*

"Whats up buddy? It feels like we haven't talked in ages."

"I know right. I was just talking about that with Nina when she was over earlier."
"Ya about that, what were you going to say?"

"Oh it was probably nothing. Anyways its stupid"

"Just tell me if it's nothing then it won't hurt to say it."

"Well I already told you how her mood kinda changed when I brought up you and the photoshoots that we used to do like just the three of us. So I kinda went on about our bourbon company and she just spaced out like it was like she was there but wasn't. So it got me thinking what could make her so absorbed in her thoughts that she wouldn't even hear me calling her name. Then it hit me what if she was thinking about you. Like you guys kinda didn't end things on a great note after the finale. I doubt you guys have even spoken since then. But anyways I was probably just reading into things a little too much it was probably nothing."

"Ya you're probably right" Wait what. Paul thought Nina still felt things for me. Sure it's been 7 years since we ended things and Paul is correct we didn't end things on a great note. I was under strict orders from Nikki to not get too comfortable around her. She didn't want me to develop feelings for her again, which I understand. Nina was the first person who I truly loved. Hell I wanted to start a life with her but she wasn't ready when I was and I completely respect her decision.

Paul and I chatted for another hour or so just catching up and then Nikki came home and I was rushed into our daily night time routine. It wasn't till later that night did my mind remember the start of my conversation with Paul.

It was around 3:30 in the morning I was staring at the ceiling trying to fall back asleep but failing miserably. My mind was swirling with thoughts but one thought stood out in particular. It wasn't necessarily a thought more like a name. Nina. I was dragged back out of my thoughts by the light meow of my cat. I shifted around so I was facing her and that's when I remembered I was sleeping next to Nikki, my wife, the mother of my daughter, and I was thinking of my ex. God how stupid I am thinking of another women when I was just inches away from my wife the person who had gifted me the greatest gift of all, my daughter. I immediately got up and went outside in hopes to clear my thoughts.

The cold breeze that ruffled my hair reminded me of the early mornings on set when Nina and I would get there earlier than we needed to just to stand outside and enjoy the fresh air. God how I missed her. Wait did I actually just think that. That was the first time that I had admitted it but I couldn't do anything about it. It couldn't hurt to call her and just talk if what Paul was saying was true she could be thinking the same thing. I don't know why but I decided to call her from my second phone the one where she was most likely to know the number from. The first three times I tried to call her she didn't pick up. I didn't want to seem like I was desperate or anything so I waited an hour or so before trying to call her again this time she picked up.

"Hello? Ian is this you?"

----- END OF CHAPTER 2 -----

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