chapter 1

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Just to clarify this is no way shape or form hating on Nina, Ian, or their significant others (AKA Nikki and Shaun). They have both moved on and I respect their decisions. This story was purely written just for fun. Hope you enjoy :)

*Nina POV*

It was approximately 9:33 when Maverick, my sweet and lovable dog, pounced on my face and woke me up to hundreds of slobbery wet kisses. I rolled over expecting to see Shaun but once again he was out doing something with his skater friends. It was always like that. Sometimes I even felt like I had to compete for his attention. The last 2 weeks were wonderful though. We took a vacation to Mexico and it was full of trips to the beach, hiking, and a little alone time if you know what I mean. But I pushed the thoughts of Shaun aside and focused on today's plans. I had made arrangements to go see a dear friend of mine who I haven't seen in what felt like years. I got dressed, put on makeup, and ate a quick breakfast before it was time for Maverick and I to head over to Paul and his lovely wife's house. It was about an hour drive but it totally was worth it when I finally pulled into the driveway and saw his cute dog running towards me.

"Woahhhh there Gregory come back let them get out of the car first."

"Oh hello sweet boy you're so cute" I knelt down to pet Paul's dog and then let Maverick out of the car to go and play while I got a few things out of the back. At that point Paul had caught up to us and I leaned in for a hug.
"It's been too long Dobreva"

"It sure has." We walked around back and got situated on his nice outdoor furniture. Let me say the view was amazing. "So what's been going on these past few months. It feels like we haven't talked in years. SO much different then when we used to see each other for hours on end when we were filming TVD."

"So true. Ah the good old days back in Atlanta. Hahaha you know what the trio was still a thing back then."

"The trio?" I knew what he was talking about but I would rather play dumb than completely disregard his comment.

"Ya you, me, and Ian. Those photo shoots that we had were some fun times. Speaking of Ian and photoshoots. We recently just had one for our new bourbon company...." Paul continued to speak but at sometime, I forgot when, I kind of just tuned him out.

Ian and I had broken up 7 years ago but it was still a sore subject to me. I had been in multiple relationships since we broke up and I had clearly moved on and so had he. But still whenever someone mentioned his name it stirred up old memories and feelings from when we were together.

"Nina. Nina. Earth to Nina"

"Sorry I just kinda spaced out there for a second"

"Are you ok you looked kinda freaked out there for a second. Was it something I said."

Ugh crap he figured out that Ian was still a sore subject for me. "No I'm fine. Do you have anything to drink though I'm kinda thirsty."

The rest of the night was fine. I got to catch up with Paul and our dogs got to have a doggy play date so it was a win win for both of us. But as I was driving home Ian came back into my thoughts. I tried to push him out of my brain but it was no use. Paul mentioned him and brought up all the old memories again. The good, the bad, the sad, all the memories including our breakup which still made me tear up a bit. By the time I got home I realized that I had been crying. I quickly wiped away my tears and went inside where to my surprise was greeted by Shaun with a big bowl of ice cream.

"Hey there totally forgot to tell you but I had to leave early in the morning to go surf with some buddies of mine. We wanted to catch some waves before the beaches got too crowded."

"Ya I figured. Anyways I was out for most of the day. I went over to Paul's house and we caught up. You know it's been 3 years since we last filmed together. But anyways I'm glad you're here. I missed you this morning." I leaned in for a quick kiss and he pulled me in closer extending what I had intended to be a quick peck on the lips. "Hey woah watch the ice cream you went through so much effort to get all my favorite flavors I wouldn't want to spill it."

I put the ice cream down and wrapped my arms around his neck and looked into his gorgeous eyes. They weren't ocean blue like Ian's but they were still gorgeous nonetheless. There it was again my mind raced back to all those moments I had with Ian dancing around our apartment in Atlanta while music played in the background, the way he would brush my hair back behind my ears and look at me with those piercing baby blue eyes that when he looked at you it felt as if he could see right into your sole. I had to shake myself off of the Ian topic. The only thing I could think of was kissing Shaun and soon enough I had fallen in bed with him and for a while Ian was out of my thoughts but despite my efforts he was in my dream that night.

The dream took place in this fancy Italian restaurant that Ian and I loved to go to whenever we had time. He would always get some sort of entree that involved fish and I would get the ravioli. Ian always made fun of me and said that was what a little kid would order. But in this dream for some reason we were sharing a bowl of spaghetti and meatballs. I was eating a piece of pasta trying to get as much as I could when I felt Ian's eyes lingering on me.
"What" I started to laugh. He still continued to stare at me, his eyes not moving away from me. "Ian, what is it. Are you just gonna keep staring at me?"

"You are just so beautiful." I was taken aback "I am completely and utterly in lo-" Before my dream Ian could spit out the rest of his sentence my phone's ringtone woke me up from my perfect dream.

I looked at the clock and saw that it was 5:30 in the morning. Who would be calling me at 5:30 in the morning on a Tuesday? I had no plans with anyone or any meetings that I might have missed. I decided to just go to sleep and ignore it. I would check who was calling me in the morning but my phone kept ringing. Utterly annoyed I turned over as quietly as I could trying not to wake Shaun or Maverick to get my phone. When I turned over my phone you could say that I was shocked to see that I had not one not two but three missed calls from what looked like Ian's old number.

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