chapter 8

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Hi guys thank you so much for reading this story I hope you guys enjoy it! Also I know that there isn't a lot of NIAN content as of right now but I promise that there will be some in the next few chapters. I just didn't want to rush through it because I personally don't think that they would get back together in a week in real life and I'm trying to make this as realistic as possible. Also if you couldn't really tell this story is obviously not true, I purely wrote this story because I was bored, this is not meant to hate on anyone. anyways hope you guys enjoy ;)))


I was just sitting in the parking lot in my car with a 3 year old in the back. I had no idea what to do, I am not responsible for this type of responsibility. Like sure I can babysit for one night that isn't an issue but I had no idea how long Ian would be at the hospital with Nikki. I called the only person who I thought could help me but this phone call could get really awkward really fast considering I haven't talked to Paul since he caused a fight in the middle of Julie's house.

"Hey Paul, I have a favor to ask you"

"What, you ignore me for weeks and then when you need something that's when you break this silent treatment you've been giving me? That's a bitchy move Nina."

"Paul I'm sorry that I haven't talked to you since the party but Ian is at the hospital with Nikki and he asked me to take care of Bodhi but the thing is I don't know the first thing about taking care of a child."

"Oh wow sorry I didn't know."

"Wait he didn't ask you to babysit. Aren't you like her honorary uncle or something?"

"Yes but like you, Ian has been giving me the silent treatment. Anyways come to my house. I have some of Bodhi's stuff here when she sleeps over when her parents have work."

"Ok be there in a few." I hung up the phone and checked on Bodhi who, thankfully, was fast asleep. I basically sped over to Paul's hoping that I got there before Bodhi woke up therefore he could deal with the cranky baby instead of me.

As I pulled up into his driveway he opened the garage for me so Bodhi wouldn't have to be outside for too long. Even though it's California it still gets pretty chilly at night. I carried her inside and put her in the guest room and tucked her in since she was still fast asleep. I was praying that she would sleep through the night and hopefully not ask any questions of where she was.

"Hey" I heard a Paul's voice which pulled me out of my day dream. "So what exactly happened? I tried to call him just now to get the story but he didn't pick up."

"He didn't tell me that much" I replied "He just said that Nikki had been in a bad accident and that he needed someone to watch Bodhi while he stayed with Nikki at the hospital. I think there's child care at the hospital but I don't think he wanted her to have those memories."

"Ya that was probably good thinking on his part." An awkward tension filled the air as neither paul nor I knew what to say. The tension was weird. We had never gotten into a situation like this before and it was clear to me that Paul did not know how to address it.

"So about the party the other night" Paul said ending the period of silence we were sitting in "I'm really sorry I don't know what came over me. I was drunk really drunk as a matter of fact and I said some stupid things that I know aren't true. So I hope you can accept my apology." I leaned in and gave Paul a hug.

"Of course I forgive you. But just because I forgave you doesn't mean that Ian has. You have to talk to him eventually but just give him some space right now when I picked up Bodhi he looked so stressed out. I don't think he knew what was happening and by the urgency of his phone call I think the accident was pretty bad."

"Oh shit! Do you think Bodhi knows?"

"Think what?" I heard a little voice come from the doorway. Bodhi must have gotten out of bed and heard us talking.

"Uncle P where is my Mommy and Daddy?"

"Your Mom and Dad aren't home right now. So you're just gonna have a sleepover at my house okay?"

"Okay" she said sleepy as she gave a big yawn.

"Do you want me to help you back into your bed?" I asked her, bending down so that I was at her height. She quickly backed away towards Paul and it looked like she was scared.

"Who is she?" bodhi whispered to Paul. Paul started laughing

"That's one of daddy's friends from the show that he used to be on. She is also one of my very good friends and is really nice" Paul leaned down a little closer to her and whispered in her ear "she is also very good at giving hugs." Bodhi then ran over to me and gave me a hug. Her little arms wrapped around me. I picked her up and carried her to her bed and put her to sleep.

She was an angel of a kid that night. She didn't wake up at all that night so I was able to sleep soundly as well. But I was woken up to a phone call in the morning from Ian.

"Hey Ian is everything all right?"

"No" my heart fell for him "The doctors says that there is a good chance that she won't

wake up and if she doesn't wake up in the next 12 hours because she has a DNR that would mean..." His voice broke and I could tell that he was trying to hold back his tears.

"I understand Ian you don't have to say it out loud. Do you need me to do anything else? Bodhi is still sleeping right now but I could wake her so you could talk to her?"

"No its ok let her sleep. But if you could bring her to the hospital once she wakes up so I could explain what is happening that would be greatly appreciated Nina."

"Ok no problem. Oh and one more thing I talked to Paul and Ian you should really give him a call. He is worried sick about you and I really think that you will be better off if you have your best friend during this tough time."

"You are probably right. Oh I got to go, the doctor just walked in. Thank you once again Nina for everything that you have been doing."

"No problem Ian and don't worry you and Nikki will get through this"

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