chapter 5

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Hey guys so um sorry this has taken so long for me to write another chapter but um here it is. Not gonna lie I don't think that this chapter is as good as the others but um hope you enjoy HAHAHAHAA :)



I said goodbye to Paul and hung up the phone. I wanted to forget as much of that conversation as I could but honestly I couldn't. That last thing that Paul said still hung heavy in mind for the next few days and before I knew it was the day of the TVD anniversary party that Julie was throwing at her house. As the day went on I was dreading going to this party more and more, the more I thought about seeing Paul after our "fight" made me want to just text Julie and say I wasn't feeling well and I couldn't make it. But then that would be suspicious and make it seem like I just didn't want to see anyone after that article got released. Ugh why am I overthinking this so much it is just a party with some of my closest friends.

The clock read 6:45 when I left my house and started the 15 min drive across town. The party technically started at 6:30 but Maverick was being a pain in my ass and wouldn't let me leave without giving me 500 kisses, which I am technically not complaining about but still it made me late. I turned onto her street and instantly picked out Ians car among all the others. God Damnit Nina! Why do you always do that! STOP THINKING ABOUT HIM! I took a couple of seconds to regroup before heading in to the party.


I am so glad I came to this party. I tried to get Nikki to come with me but she said it would be too awkward. I still feel bad about the article and I am very nervous about tonight. Hopefully they don't bring it up but then there was also Nina. Should I talk to her? Would that start more unnecessary rumors? WHY DOES EVERYONE CARE SO MUCH ABOUT MY RELATIONSHIPS JUST LEAVE ME ALONE! UGH! Sometimes I really hate being a celebrity.

Paul, Kat, Candace, and basically the entirety of the cast that was in LA was at the party. The only person who wasn't there was Nina. I don't know if I should be relieved by that or not but in the middle of my thinking it was interrupted by Kat and Candace coming over and bombarding me about questions about Nikki and my daughter.

"So hows the fam?" Kat asked

"Actually really good. Bodhi is growing up way too quickly though!"

"Ooooooo do you have any pictures!" Of course Candace and Kat would want pictures, good thing I always came prepared.

"So I see Candace and Kat have moved on to bother you next about your family"

"Hey Paul how's it going?"

"Not bad not bad, Ines and I are good and no we are not trying for a baby yet." Candace, Kat and I all laughed at that comment.

"Ok so we are going to let you guys talk we are going to go bother someone else! See you guys later though!" And with that Candace and Kat left Paul and I semi stranded in the middle of the party. I watched them walk over to the front entrance to I think talk with a familiar looking brunette but I couldn't really see who because there were people blocking her.

"Who are Candace and Kat talking to, I cant see over the sea of people near the front"

"Are you kidding me dude, that's Nina."


Immediately as I walked into the party I was swarmed by Kat and Candace asking abut how I was. Don't get me wrong I love Kat and Candace but they can be a bit much. Anyways I put on a smile and soon I was getting out of my slump that I was in moments before.

"Hey Kat, Hey Candace! What's going on?"

"Nothing much just wondering how you've been doing with all the you know" Kat pauses

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