Chapter 13 - I don't hate you?

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// Before I start I'd just like to say a massive thank you to all my readers, as if this has over 500 reads?😱 I'm over the moon😉 anyway, check out my best friends profile and read her stories, she's got an Andy Biersack imagine and a Muke fanfic, her name is ChloeCrossen and she really needs some extra reads, (btw she is also Mikey's cousin in this) anyway... On with the story😊//

**Ashton's POV**

I'd woken up at about 8am, and need to clear my head. I couldn't sleep all night, I was too busy worrying about Mikey. I wanted to be with him, but I needed to be alone. I climbed gently out of the bed, trying not to wake him and quickly got dressed. I looked like a scruffy mess but I didn't care. I tied a white bandana around my head to make my hair a little more presentable. I walked over to where a sleeping Michael lay and kissed the top of his forehead gently. He made the cutest noise and curled himself into a ball, still engrossed in sleep. A small smile played its way across my lips as I left the room, quietly closing the door. I ran quickly down the stairs and headed towards the door. Unsurprisingly my mother was in the kitchen. "Where are you going hun? Where's Michael?" She questioned, but I wasn't in the mood to be interrogated. "He's upstairs asleep, and I'm going for a walk to clear my head. Keep an eye on him for me?" I faked a smile to cheer her up but it didn't work. She could see straight through my faked emotions. She always knew when I was lying about something; like the time in year 8 when I told my Mom I had a girlfriend, she had always know that I was into guys. Even though I'd never told her. She slowly nodded her head, replying to my question, trying to hold back her saddened expression. But I could see right through her lies too. I couldn't deal with... Not right now. I needed to get all this weight off my shoulders. It felt like I was carrying a sack full of bricks everywhere I went. "Bye" I said quickly, rushing out the door and onto the street. I wasn't sure where to go, or how long I was going to be... But I did know that I wasn't going back until I could think straight.

I had walked for about 10 minuets before I had an idea where to go, I'll head to Starbucks and get myself a coffee. On my way there, a familiar voice was shouting my name repeatedly, but I didn't answer. I tried not to pay attention to them, until they grabbed ‭my arm, forcing me to look at them. I was surprised to see Michaels Cousin Chloe, stood in front of me panting. I didn't realise that I'd made her run. Oops. I analysed what she was wearing; An Andy Biersack shirt, black skinny jeans, black knee length converse and a black and white chequered jacket. I really liked her style, it was unique and awesome in its own way. "Ashton? I heard about what happened? Is Mikey okay?" I was thinking of what to say... I wasn't sure. should I just tell her that he's fine and get her away from me? No... I need someone. Someone to talk to about this, that has an extremely close bond with Mikey like I do. I needed a friend. "I'll buy you a coffee and explain there" I grabbed her arm and pulled her into Starbucks.

//Chloe, I know you don't like coffee but it just works well in the story line//

"So, what actually happened Ashton?" She said stirring her coffee nervously.
" we were taking my little brother and sister to the beach, and it was getting late, about half 8ish... When I was jumped by a group of lads, about 5 of them-" I was about to continue when Chloe cut me off. Rude.
"Wait? Did I hear that correctly? I?" She looked confused and shocked. I nodded and Carried on my explanation.
"The main guy was about to hit me, when Michael stopped him... I wish he hadn't, he didn't deserve what he got!!! I wish that they'd just hit me instead!" I broke down. Crying rivers of silent tears. Chloe put her hand on top of mine and looked me directly in the eye. "It wasn't you're fault, what they did to him is disgusting, and you're never gonna be the same if you don't stop blaming it on yourself! That's what I had to do with Jason, believe me... I know what it's like" she smiled reassuring. Mikey's cousin isn't as bad as I first thought.

*about an hour later*

Me and Chloe had been sat in Starbucks for about an hour now, talking a lot and getting to know one another, and know i'd consider her one of my close friends. "Hey Chloe? Wanna come see Michael? I'm sure seeing you would make him feel a lot better" I smiled slightly, this time not faking it. She made me happy... But not the same way as Michael. She made me laugh... But not the same way as Michael. I loved her... But not the same way as Michael... I'd finally learnt the true meaning of friendship. "Sure" we got up and headed back to my house, and then I'd remembered that I would have to explain why he's there and not at home. But, to be honest, this was his home. "Oh yeah... Ugh... He's staying at my house because... Well um... His Mom kicked him out... Because of us..." She nodded, and we walked the rest of the way home in an awkward silence. "So.. Here it is" I said and opened the door allowing her to walk in. She smiled and stood next to me. "Ugh Chloe this is my Mom, Mom,this is Chloe, Mikey's cousin" I introduce them before looking around. "Where's Michael?"
"He woke up a few minuets ago and I took him so breakfast, he's looks a lot better but kept asking to see you" My Mother smiled and nodded towards the bedroom door. I grabbed Chloe's had and dragged her towards the door. I walked in quietly and Chloe followed behind me. "Mikey? I have a surprise for you" I whispered happily.
"Just having you by my side is all j need" he slurred, sleepily. I was about to speak when Chloe ruined the moment. "Aww" she cooed. "Chloe!!! Oh my god, I've missed you so much!!" He opened his arms to welcome Chloe into a warm embrace. Michael let me join in the hug as well. After a few minuets of warm hugs and silent tears we broke apart, as Chloe had to go to her job. "Mikey?" I questioned.
"Yeah baby?"
"I love you" I gently pressed my lips against his, loving the lose butterflies that flew around my stomach. "I love you too Ashton" he yawn, and I lay back down with him. Both of us hadn't had very much sleep lately and now that I'd cleared my head, I could get some peaceful rest.

//Sorry that this wasn't the best chapter, I write it whist trying to watch a great movie (Blades of glory) and yeah, please check out my 5sos imagines, I will update them soon and I'm in the middle of writing a Luke Hemming's fanfic so yeah, and keep reading _Lol_Luke_'s story and both of ChloeCrossen's stories, love y'all so much and again, thanks for all the reads, Lub Chu All💝 Kay❤️//

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