Chapter 1 - Meeting Lukey<3

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"Ashton," My mother called from the bottom of the staircase. I poked my head out the door to see what she wanted, "Will you take Lauren and Harry to the park please, I don't want them to go unsupervised" She smiled warmly at me. I wanted to say no, because I hated the park, I don't really have any friends. I was the 'weird' kid in school, the one who everyone always avoided. I'm a family guy really, I prefer to be with my siblings than so called 'friends'. All the friends I used to have were just back-stabbers anyway, And that's why I'm a loner. "Ashton, did you hear what I just said?" My mother questioned, clicking her fingers in front of my face, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Ugh, yeah sure I'll take them" I smiled and skipped down the stairs like an over-exited teenage girl. I giggled at myself, questioning how I was related to my mother. I wondered how one 19 year old boy could be so strange that he makes himself feel 5 again. I swung the front door open, squinting at the brightness of the sun. It was September, summer was approaching so therefore, it was pretty damn hot. Once we arrived at the park, Lauren ran off to where her friends were, and Harry playing on the slide and making a few friends. I don't get why he wanted friends, their useless. Some people need them to complain about their problems to, but me, I write about them on my blog. I saw Lauren trying to flirt with a blond haird bloke, which was clearly failing considering he didn't even acknowledge her existance, but why would he? It was getting late I was about to call the two over but they were having so much fun, it really was adorable. Especially with their age differance.

That's when I saw it, a couple of kids came up to the blond bloke from before and started to form as circle around him. They started to laugh for no reason, and I'm sure I heard the blond whimper quietly. They kicked him, punched him and stole his hat. That's when I'd seen enough. I walked up to them. I could feel the rage boiling in my blood, my fist clenched tighter as they started taking the piss out of the way he dressed. At least he had better style than me, for gods sake I looked like a goon. One of the boys turned around, a maleviolant look in his eyes, he looked me up and down and grimmanced. That make he want to punch him even more. "Hey, stop being pricks and give the guy his hat back, he didn't do anything wrong." I tried to stay as calm as I could. They stopped picking on him and turned around to face me. "What d'ya want gayboy? Huh?" He sniggered, constantly flashing me dirty look. This guy was an arsehole, and I really didn't like him..." Look just fuck off alright, Leave the kid alone and go and study to get enough grades to work at macca's you useless bogan". Surprisingly he gritted his teeth and walked up to me. I think he was trying to scare me, however it wasn't working. I wasn't going to give him what he wanted that easily, not a chance. "What you gonna do if I don't gayboy?" He sniggered again. He was really starting to piss me off. I didn't reply. The next thing I new, the guy was on the floor, clutching onto his bleeding nose, while my hand was covered in what seemed like his blood. His breath quicked and he ran off with his 'friends'.

I helped the blonde up, seeing if he was okay, atleast their was no visable damadge done. "You alright mate?" He questioned, glancing towards my hand. "Yeah I'm alright, you?" At this point I could see Lauren and Harry running up to us. "Yeah I'm fine, uh I'm Luke" he smiled slightly that's when I realised how much his lip ring suited him. "Uh, hey Luke I'm Ash-" before I could finish my sentence I has tackled by the two kids I was supervising. I giggled slightly, finding it hard to move with a 10year old and 13year old clung to my leg. "I'm Ashton, if you wanna come with us, we were about to get some thing to eat?" I smiled convincingly, so he didn't think I has some kind of peado who kidnapps little kids and rapes them. "Oh and this is Lauren and Harry, my brother and sister" I smiled again, causing he to smile aswell "I would but I gotta get to band practice, sorry," he smiled sadly."Wait, your in a band?" I raised an eyebrow, he didn't look like the singing type, but it also depends what music he plays. "Yeah, but were desperatly looking for a drummer, you wouldn't happen to know anyone who knows how to play would you?" This was it. My opportunity to go big. Show everyone that I wasn't weird...I could finally be somebody. "I play drums" I was so confident, however my last sentence came out a little bit shy. He handed me a piece of paper with his number on it, "Call me tomorrow, Band practice starts at 5" and with that, he walked off. I was stoked. So happy Its undescribable. We all climbed in my car and drove home, I bandaged my hand and snuggled up underneath my quilt. Today had been a lond day and I was exhausted . Without even realizing it, I'd driffed off to sleep.

( So, that's my first chapter, what do you think so far?

Opinions on Luke? Opinions on Ashton? What do think Michael will be like, and how will their first band practice go?

I'd like to dedicate this chapter to by friend Chloe and you should check out her story *mike x luke fanfic* anyway, thanks for reading and vote please, if. Your interseted follow me on twitter@5sos_penguins94 )

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