Chapter 6 - Scars and Sleepovers<3

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*Ashton's POV*

We arrived at Band practice, and it was really warm at Luke's place so I took my jacket off, forgetting about my arms. I had a green day shirt on, but my arms and wrists were fully exposed. I had black skinny jeans on, which obviously made my legs really hot. We'd just finished the cover of Teenage Dirtbag, when it happened. Michael pulled me away from the rest of the boys and up to Luke's room. "Ashton, I want you to know that no matter what, I'll always care and love for you with all my heart, and I'm here for you if there anything you want to talk about." He smiled reasurringly, stroking my cheek. What was he getting at? He gently grabbed my wrist and pulled my arm up so he could see it properly. That's when it all became clear. I jerked my arm away, tyring to hid them behind my back. I hopped that he hadn't noticed, but I knew that it'd be too late to blame them on cat scratches. "I'm sorry Mikey" I managed to stiffle out a whisper, breaking down into silent tears. He wiped them away, placing his index finger and thumb on the bottom of my chin, and lifting my head up. He stared into my sad watering eyes. "Ashton, its okay, I'm going to help you stop, were going to get though this. I love you" And with that, he placed a small kiss on my forehead. I couldn't contain myself any longer. I tightly wrapped my arms around his waist, pulling him into a warm embrace. I suddenly regretted everything. Everytime I let a rusty blade slide across my skin, And let the blood trickle down my arm. I hated the way my arms looked, covered in faded white lines. For once I let the tears fall freely. Once my eyes were dry and I'd cried out all the tears possible, Michael sat me down on Luke's bed, gently pecking my cheek. "Ashton baby, Tell me why you did it, please?". He rubbed his thumb along my hand. "It started when people started bulling me for my dad leaving, And the hate just carried on, Saying that I was worthless and a waste of space. For a few years in school, I tried to be someone I wasn't, But I hated myself for it." I buried my head in Michaels shoulder. "Thatsit" I mumbled quietly in one breath, however I don't think he could understand me. "Ashton, To make sure you don't do it again, I want to ask you a serious question" Michael cupped my face with his hands, his deep sea-green eyes burning warmly into my soul. Its nice to have someone care. My mother has been begging for me to move out. "Move in with me" Michael protested, snapping me out of my thoughts. I stared at him, Content in the silence for a while before realising that I hadn't answered his question. I didn't want to answer, I didn't want him to speak. I just wanted our bodies to be connected. So that's what I did. I pressed my forehead against his, grinning cheesily, giving away the answer. I locked our lips together. It was perfect. It felt amazing kissing Michaels soft lips, they were like a drug. And I was addicted. Addicted to Michael Clifford...

The drug in me is Michael Clifford (mashton)Where stories live. Discover now