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Ava's POV

She's your back up dancer, she's your back up dancer, SHE'S YOUR BACK UP DANCER! I loved all my dancers they were all so talented and fun to work with but y/n was different every time I looked at her I found myself repeating the words 'she's your back up dancer' trying to correct myself but I couldn't. I never liked to put a label on my sexuality but y/n just made me feel so damn gay, it hurts. I'm at the point where I'm having DREAMS about her we even got married in one of them, my mind just feels so fucked up. Is this how that one instagram page that makes what she calls 'freaky lesbian edits' of me feels like I've seen her edits before but never liked them because it feels weird but everyone else seems to enjoy them. That's off topic I just wish I could stop stressing about so I called Bebe for some reason hoping she could help me get over y/n and my... well let's just say unholy dreams

"Hey girl"
"Hey Bebe"
"How are things going with that Y/n girl"
"Bebe shut the fuck up"
"Oh so we're gonna deny being completely in love with this girl?"
"I wouldn't say I'm in love with her"
"Oh, Ava, honey you're in denial and I get it you want to keep it professional but it's not worth it you never know how she feels about you bae, she could be just as in love with you as you are with her.
"Literally impossible, how the hell could someone like her like someone like me"
"Do you know who the fuck you are? You're AVA MAX!"
"Ah yes, Ava Max also know as Lady Gaga's son, ugly bitch, untalented, unoriginal, the list goes on"
"You're also known as the new pop princess, the savior of pop, the next big thing, hella underrated." I rolled my eyes "the list goes on" she continued mockingly

"Fine you win" she proudly smirked

*Rehearsal the next day*

"Okay Ava, dancers let's get started onTake you to Hell" our choreographer Ricky yelled out

I tensed up at the mention of Take you to Hell since the choreography had a pretty intimate relationship between me and Y/n I would have asked Ricky to push the rehearsal up to next week but I already did that last week and the week before so I can't really do that anymore I wanted to just run out of the studio but I couldn't, it would make me look like an idiot and it would be a joke that'll haunt me for the rest of my existence since Ricky is not only my choreographer but my good friend too. He's the type to bring back something that happened when you were 5 years old.

*after practice*

"Hey Ava" y/n said.
my muscles tensed up my heartbeat quickened while my brain just stopped I stayed silent I don't know if she was saying something she was probably calling my name but I couldn't hear anything but my scream in the bridge of OMG What's happening replaying in my head over and over again I'm pretty sure that's the only thing that could come out of my mouth if anything were to come out. And that's exactly what happened, suddenly I lost everything and just yelled out in an identical pitch as I did in the actual song I immediately ran out embarrassed I don't think I could ever step foot in there again.

[Giannelle] I think this chapter turned out pretty decent. Also stream OMG What's happening.

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