The life saver and the over protective girlfriend

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You were walking down the hallway of your apartment building, they we're doing some construction work and recommended that the people who can find another place to stay for a while John and Steph had invited you and your other friend Chris who also lives in the same apartment to stay at their place and after a lot of insisting on their part you agreed. You were on your way to move in some of your stuff, a few minutes later you were crossing the street to get to Ava's car because she had gone out in yours for some reason, suddenly some idiot decided to pass on the red light and it almost hit you until a guy came out of nowhere, pulling you out of the way and somehow ended up pinning you to the nearest wall

"That was a close one" he said

"Yeah" you say a little out of breath as you push him off of you and start to walk away, he stopped you

"Where you going"

"To my car"

"Well before you go do you have a boyfriend gorgeous"

"No I have a-"

"So you're single?" He interrupts

"I never said that"

"Well you said you didn't have a boyfriend so that means you're single"

"I never said I was straight either"


"I'm take I have a girlfriend, tengo una novia coño"

"Oh" he said with disgust in his voice

"You're an ugly ass bitch" you yell out as he walked away

Ava came around the corner with a look of confusion on her face

"What was that about"

"Some guy trying to flirt with me"

"HE WAS WHAT" she said clearly pissed

"It's not like I flirted back"

"Did he hurt you? Are you okay? What did he say to you?"

"Okay slow down with the questions Hollywood Fix. He didn't hurt me. I'm fine. And he kept asking me if I had a boyfriend which I said no I have a girlfriend, he was clearly disgusted by the fact I had a girlfriend and left which is why I was yelling when you came"

"Do I have permission to beat his ass"

"You're a grown woman you can do whatever you want"

"I'll be back" she started running after him

"Meet me at Steph's place" you called out hoping she heard you and you got into the car and started driving

[Giannelle] watch the the OMG what's happening mv if you haven't already

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